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WIP Dead Factory


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Description This mod adds a large ghoul infested factory to FONV. Coming soon!!!





Title graphics by animatorjim

Edited by montybrad
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Images don't work. Try uploading them to imageshack and cutting and pasting the "embed image in forum" code in between some spoiler tags ("[ spoiler ]" and "[ /spoiler ]", no quotes, no spaces) Edited by ccronin
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I'm sorry, but the exterior looks like you just copied the steelyard area from the Pitt. Correct me if I'm right please, but at least the textures and the buildings look just the same. Edited by eLucifer
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Description This mod adds a large ghoul infested factory to FONV. Coming soon!!!





Title graphics by animatorjim


Looks really cool, but where will it be situated because judging by the Pitt sky dome it is in a cuistome world.

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Looks really cool, but where will it be situated because judging by the Pitt sky dome it is in a custom world.


Thank you. The factory is accessible via utility tunnels in Good Springs that lead west beneath the cliffs and outside the vanilla game space. Technically it is in its own world space which allows me to change the climate.

Edited by montybrad
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Images don't work. Try uploading them to imageshack and cutting and pasting the "embed image in forum" code in between some spoiler tags ("[ spoiler ]" and "[ /spoiler ]", no quotes, no spaces)


Thanks ccronin, I used imageshack and thanks for the spoiler tags too!

Edited by montybrad
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