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[Help] Trying to determine which animation is called


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I'm working on the Playable Advent mod, and as any of you who played it know, the animations are absolutely hosed when the aliens are on the Skyranger.


I've actually set specific animations to play when the alien is on the Skyranger, but they don't play. Everywhere else works great, but for some reason, the Skyranger doesn't seem to be calling animations correctly (or at least, not in the same way as everywhere else in the game).


Is there a way to tell, maybe in the console or via a log file, which animation is being pulled (and maybe which bit of code told it to do so)? I know how to assign animations, but this one is just acting really weird. I'd appreciate any help in this.

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I don't have any answer. But I did find SoldierEmotion in XComPlayerController.uc, which has to be related. This determines whether the soldier happy, neutral or sad animations play. It ends with this, which means nothing to me:


RemoteEventString = "Soldier"$UnitIndexString$"_"$SoldierEmotion;


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Wait, are we talking about the same thing? I'm talking about when the 4 to 6 squad members are seated on the Skyranger, before and after every mission. I'm looking for which Animation Sequence is being called by that screen. (I'm not looking for the "roaming the Avenger" animations, although I suppose eventually I'll need to...).

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Oh! Sorry. I confused skyranger and avenger. My bad. Apologies for the confusion. Let me have a little dig and see if I can help.


Can you override that class, copy the function and log the remoteeventstring to see what's going on?

Edited by zingfharn
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I guess I wasn't sure what you were asking, and hoping you could provide an actual string I could look up.


But, I followed the thread back through XCOMGRI to end up at XComGameReplicationInfo which shows it's calling internal events.


So I looked at Playercontroller, to see what a valid emotion was, then ARC_Soldier_M, checked their AnimSets, saw Anims.AS_SkyRanger, doubleclicked that, it opened an AnimSet editor, with a bunch of stuff like Sit_Sad_IdleA


So my guess would be it's probably that.

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So I looked at Playercontroller, to see what a valid emotion was, then ARC_Soldier_M, checked their AnimSets, saw Anims.AS_SkyRanger, doubleclicked that, it opened an AnimSet editor, with a bunch of stuff like Sit_Sad_IdleA


So my guess would be it's probably that.


It would be a pretty smart guess. (It was also the first thing I tried).


Unfortunately, it's wrong.


EVERY OTHER ANIMATION IN THE GAME works like that. Just change the AnimSet, etc, good to go! But for some unknown reason, the AS_SkyRanger doesn't play nicely like other AnimSets. I edit the ARC for the unit (let's say the Viper in this case), create a new AnimSet ("AS_Viper_Skyranger") with a series of sequences named exactly the same ("Sit_Sad_IdleA", for example), and set that as their new Skyranger AnimSet. But when I pull the unit into a squad in game, it's still using the human animations from the original AS_Skyranger.


All of their other animations and AnimSets work just great. But not the Skyranger.

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I'm *way* out of my depth here, but!


I had a look at the female solider arc too, and it refers to the exact same AS_Skyranger set (whereas the other female animations seem to be custom for females).


You can switch out the meshes in there, and they work differently (Vipers lose their s***, archons seem pretty ok, for example). Is it perhaps a hardcoded animation sequence, as in it will always use that animation set, whatever you do, and you must tweak the, erm, skeletons? meshes? somethings? directly in there per mesh?

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