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Armor Color Changes


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Can anyone please make a mod that will allow you to change the color of your armor either allows you to change it or just changes all of the armor. I don't know a lot about mods so I can't be specific. Or if there is a way to just change it yourself in the files that would also be good.


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Armor dying/dyeing? (unsure of which way to spell that...) Like making daedric armor blue or white or black. It'd be really simple to do yourself if you just want to change the armor to a certain color by using the Hue/Saturation tool, but I don't know what it'd be in programs other than GIMP (Paint.NET, Photoshop, etc.) The armor would actually have to have color however, so steel armor or iron armor probably wouldn't work out well.



Well, I have too much time during the summer, due to not having to go to work, and decided to start something like this. So far, I've done Daedric weapons and armor, with 6 colors (Black, Blue, Gold, Green, Pink, and Purple.) For now, I think I'll stop at Daedric to make sure my stuff works, and do other armors another time (tomorrow or Saturday, most likely.)


Since I have "color codes", so to speak, its very simple to do. I started from the time of my comment, finished at 9:14. Just applying the textures to their meshes right now.

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