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Gay/Female Skyrim players?


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I know the Nexus and Skyrim modding community consists of almost entirely straight males but I was wondering if there are any fellow gay guys in the community as well as female players? I've met a fair amount, though mostly on LoversLab since any male content is usually of a very NSFW nature, but it would be cool to see more players who enjoy a strong nord male or beefy, gruff Redguard instead of the usual hyper-sexual female.

Edited by HunterHellish
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I'm a female player here but I feel really strange trying to play as a male character because I myself am not a male. Only game I felt comfortable playing a male character in was SWTOR because I could be a strong, caring Jedi :P


My character, Anjiri, likes strong muscular Khajiits? Is that close at all? :P

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Straight guy here and I have to say male characters do not receive as much love as female characters to every 10 male mods be it armor, body, followers, there are 100 female mods. And among those 100 maybe a quarter of them are not skimpy and I'm probably being generous with saying 25%. I don't use skimpy but that's not to say I don't think they are amazingly done they just break the feel of the game for me. Unless there is plot differences to a story I always play as a male so trying to find that one armor amongst all the very well done skimpy armors takes a while.


My 2 Cents,


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I am straight but I do wish there was more male mods I have an "immersive" follower concept but my voice and lack of CK skills and time means it won't come to fruit...

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