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Move first-person camera


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I Recently installed Deadly Reflex 6, and i came across a problem: i get first person clipping. i improved it my lowering my "fNearDistance" setting in the ini to 0. but i still have a lot of clipping. is there a command to move the first person camera? i feel that if i moved the first person camera back some it would resolve the problem?


so, is there a command, ini setting, or mod that moves the first person camera?


EDIT: Great news! editing the skeleton did work... for the most part, i can eliminate *most* of the clipping by moving the camera back about 5 units, problem is though the first person arms aren't quite long enough to allow me to move the camera back far enough to entirely eliminate it without seeing inside the arms...

Edited by monkeyboi
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DR6 uses fake first person doesn't it??


yes, well sorta, it changes all the first person animations. i tried to change them back to vanilla but got some incredibly weird results, so the only other solution i can think of is to move the first person camera.

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There is no command to move the camera. You have 2 choices. Both not very promising.


Change the camera position in the DR6 skeleton (which is the skeleton of the "3rd person animations in 1st person view"). Or, add camera movement to every 3rd person animation used in 1st person.


In vanilla Oblivion, all 1st person animations do camera movement. But "3rd person... " and DR6 simply have replaced 1st person animations by 3rd person animations, which do NOT set or move camera01. Instead they have this different skeleton with modified camera position. And all the camera problems these 2 mods are known for.

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There is no command to move the camera. You have 2 choices. Both not very promising.


Change the camera position in the DR6 skeleton (which is the skeleton of the "3rd person animations in 1st person view"). Or, add camera movement to every 3rd person animation used in 1st person.


In vanilla Oblivion, all 1st person animations do camera movement. But "3rd person... " and DR6 simply have replaced 1st person animations by 3rd person animations, which do NOT set or move camera01. Instead they have this different skeleton with modified camera position. And all the camera problems these 2 mods are known for.


so... what ypu're saying is that i need to modify the skeleton.nif? and that *should* do what i want?

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It *might* solve your problem. But it's probably still a bad idea.


I'm sure the author has spent a lot of effort finding a camera position which minimizes all the side-effects inherent with his approach (bumpiness, NPCs looking up, mis-aiming, ...). Changing the camera position most likely will do nothing but worsen those effects.


Hey, but give it a try. Maybe you can solve some of these issues. :thumbsup:

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