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Mod list would be helpful.


But its thought that the latest patch screwed up the game when using mods. There is a thread about it on the official forum. Anyhow, have you tried a merged patch? Are you running master update? If so that can cause ctd's when combined with certain mods.

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First thing I'd do is deactivate the last half of your mods. load up your save, and see if the problem goes away.


If problem goes away:

Reactivate half the mods you disabled. Reload your save and try again. If its gone still load up a couple more mods and retest. If it comes back, disable a few of the mods you just activated and try again.


If problem persists:

Deactivate more mods until problem goes away. Then start loading up mods a few at a time until you isolate the cause.

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