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one handed melee weapons on the back


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Finished the armor addon (for more info on this feature you can check the "Displaying multiple weapons on your PC" thread . This will allow the Odachi to be displayed on the player's back even when it is not equipped. Pic;








There are two versions, the first is for compatibility (for those who won't use NVSE) the second requires NVSE.

In both versions, the sword will automatically appear to be displayed on the players back when s/he picks the weapon up and when it is unequipped. The sword can be removed by dropping it, or unselecting it in the armor tab (it also automatically removes itself when the real Odachi is equipped so there are no duplicates). The NVSE version will also automatically remove the sword when any other two handed weapon is equipped, preventing 2 of the two handed melee weapons from occupying the same space.


Odachi with armor addon-standard version

Odachi with armor addon-NVSE version


This extra feature only displays the base weapon, not the modded versions. I need JIP's weapon mod functions to detect what mods the weapon has and I have to make three new models.


Perhaps when that is done I'll look into making the weapon switchable to one or two handed melee via hotkey.

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