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List of "prisoner" NPCs?


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Hi! Today I started learning the basics of how to use the construction set and I've already made a very basic mod. I thought that since you start out in prison, your character should have a more appropriate convict's uniform than the generic one the game gives you, so I made one. I tested it by editing the "slave irons" mod to insert the uniform into the cupboard in your cell. Success! It's there when you open the cupboard, the PC looks decent wearing it, it doesn't crash the game. Huzzah!


Now what I'd like to do is create an immersion/role playing mod wherein all the game's "prisoner" NPCs are wearing the appropriate uniform and the PC is wearing it when the game starts. So I have two questions:


1. Is there a place where I can filnd a list of all the aforementioned NPCs so I know which ones I need to edit?


2. I think I figured out how to swap the NPCs clothing for the stuff I made, but how do you swap the PCs default starting inventory? Looking through the main Oblivion ESM in the Construction Kit, I can't find it.


Any help would be great, thanks.

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For the Imperial City prison, the only two I know of are Claudius Arcadia and of course Valen Dreth.


Valen presents an interesting case ... there are actually two of him in the game. The reason stems from the fact that the IC prison cells you are in when you start the game aren't the same cells you can visit later (or that you find Valen in later if you do the Dark Brotherhood quest involving him). You should be able to change the outfit for Valen's baseID (aka in the Construction Set formID) and both refIDs will get the outfit from their parent.


In Bruma you'll run into Jorundr in the Bruma prison when you're doing that quest (don't believe he exists in the game until that quest is started).


Other than those three I can't think of any others.


- Edit - Just remembered one more ... Myvryna Arano, after you've completed that Thieves Guild quest.

Edited by Striker879
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