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Voiced AlChestBreach companion, is it ever going to happen?


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I've been waiting for 3 years, and the closest thing there has been is a few unvoiced ACB companions and the ones that are voiced by him aren't actually companions of him (i.e. Axe Man). I would make one myself, even if it's just pulling sound bites from his videos, and have actually toyed with it, but didn't get very far because I suck at making mods. Is there anybody who has the know how to make this happen? I don't care whether you get him actually voice it for you or if you just plug in sound bites you find. What one person did, was make their mod, and get him to review it, and since he reads dialogue if there is no voice acting, pull the sound bites from that. Like I said, I would make it by myself, but I'm not very savvy at making mods.

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