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He asked about GPU.

The only GPU I know of that can be unlocked/flashed to a better one is the 6950 (to the 6970).

Google should give you loads of tutorials and guides for that. Because I assume not a lot of ppl here have done it themselves.


N3C14R pretty much explained it, but not how to do it.

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He asked about GPU.

The only GPU I know of that can be unlocked/flashed to a better one is the 6950 (to the 6970).

Google should give you loads of tutorials and guides for that. Because I assume not a lot of ppl here have done it themselves.


N3C14R pretty much explained it, but not how to do it.


aww G not C. also i didnt know unlocking GPUs. googled it, 6950 have the same gpu as a 6970 seems like ppl wasted 100 dollars on the same GPU. man id be pissed. then again you lose your warranty and the 6970 carries 6-pin + 8-pin connectors instead of the dual 6-pin connectors attached on the 6950 (300w vs 225w) so it might last that long.

Edited by hector530
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He asked about GPU.

The only GPU I know of that can be unlocked/flashed to a better one is the 6950 (to the 6970).

Google should give you loads of tutorials and guides for that. Because I assume not a lot of ppl here have done it themselves.


N3C14R pretty much explained it, but not how to do it.

There are many different tools and tutorials on the web to how to unlock gpu's. All I did was explain the basic terminology.


I remember trying to unlock my old fx5200 into a fx5500, it was a little nerve racking at first by hey, it still works great after 6 years. :)


ok so which is better a wireless USB dongle, or a PCI card?


and im guessing that my motherboard can use said PCI card?


would u mind showing my a good example of a PCI card and/or a USB dongle...like good quality ones?


thanks for your help

Yes your motherboard has 3 PCI slots so any wireless PCI card would work.


I would recommend any wireless card that supports wireless G, B or N depending on what signal your home router can utilize. Transfer speeds between 54mbps to 108mbps and adequate signal coverage would also be great. Linksys, D-Link and Netgear are a few of the well known names in the industry.


As for Wireless USB dongles, I've never used one before but I assume they are the same as a PCI card but they connect directly to a USB port.

Edited by N3C14R
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i have netgear...so what does that mean. idk about the C.B.Ns you talking about :P


on the CPU note, even though it was a mistake post, i dont plan on overclocking. Turbo Boost is there if i need to go higher and thats automatic. however im buying the 2500k just in case in the future if i wanna OC.


also i think im just gunna leave my gfx card alone. im not a hardcore gamer, so like the ram and all that, i doubt i would notice much of a difference.


as a reference here are a list of games i play:


Starcraft 2



Fallout NV

Dragon Age (both)

probably Skyrim

SWTOR (when released of course)

really any RPG, or RTS


i dont play fps, yet. not used to them but after battlefield 3 comes out (which ill be getting for ps3) around christmas, ill look for bfbc2, and prolly get that for my pc.

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Wireless G, B or N are just the standards that are used for wireless transmission.


Just google your routers model and see what standard it uses. For example if your router uses wireless g, get a wireless g PCI card, etc.

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ooo ok sweet thanks!!


so im like $20 short of getting my PC, so this friday, payday, i will be buying it, and i should get all the pieces next week sometime...sooo excited!!!

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