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Help on determining the worth of this computer?

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Still, I really doubt you'd break anything if you built it yourself. That video covers pretty much everything if I recall correctly. And the pressure of not screwing up is much less when you're not doing it with parts that cost like $500. Edited by Nysba
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Thank you very much! I really appreciate the help.

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just watched that video! it was great. deff takes some of the nerves away about building a PC which ill be doing in a couple weeks. will deff watch it again before hand and i recommend it to anyone who has never built a computer before. esp nice since im using the same case he is :D
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GPU = Graphics Processing Unit. It is where the video comes from. It is not the same as CPU (Central Processing Unit) and does not replace it. You need both in a computer. If you don't have a separate video card then the GPU is built onto the mother board and shares RAM with the GPU and probably the Audio system as well. So you can probably subtract at least 512 to 1024 from the total system ram as that will be used by the video system and not be available for running games.


Most motherboards allow you to turn off a built in GPU if you install a separate video card. This allows the system RAM to be recovered for use by the CPU again. :thumbsup:

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