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Subcategories and SK


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So, I know there's a category cap, and I know SK addresses it.

What I'm not really clear on is how. I tried reading the documentation, and it's a bit more technical than my expertise level.

So, what I'm looking for is a (hopefully) simple answer on how if at all SK would handle subcategories.


Some of the categories are getting really, really full. They desperately need subcategories. But, from what I understand, adding subcategories would cause conflicts.

Is that correct, if you use SK the category list is 100% fixed in stone and no subcategories can be added?

Or is there some way to do it without breaking things?

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You can add as many categories as you like. Since SK was able to make new categories (which is easy), why would they be set in stone? Anyway, as mods add more and more content, this was to be expected. A more reliable solution is a better menu (personally I'd love to see someone make a side paneled menu that allows several lines and rows, with a scroll bar that can be clicked). But, changing the menu structure by adding more.. can create incompatibilities. Nobody likes the current menu (this damn settlement is so not working with this game, not in the current shape), but there isn't much we can do either with the limited amount of keywords. Wait for the fun, cause DLCs will add a lot of keywords, and if Beth doesn't increase the cap... it's gonna be a fun ride.

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