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Need Help: Scripter Needed, please read its simple.


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and i dont want activators.
Yes, there is an activator, it is the crumbling wall.
OF COURSE its a specific activator... I meen, come on!!!! The NPC is the activator for the crumble wall.. THAtS PRETTY SPECIFIC
i had a long stressful day and im freakin wasted.


Jeez, whenever I see one of your topics, Vagrant tries his best to help you and you throw insults at him. You just get more and more annoying; try accepting and submitting to charitable help for a change instead of getting frustrated and blaming the problems you have with others and yourself on your habitual afinity for the sauce.


It doesn't matter n e more, because ur thick headedness and idiocy over all has made me give up in all humanity for ANY PERSON TO UNDERSTAND PLAIN ENGLISH AND USE THEIR BRAIN!!!!


Take your own advice.

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Wow, calm down ranokoa. No need to go so crazy. Quite a bit of what you said was borderline flaming and in a couple cases direct flaming (see the rules) - if you want help I suggest you don't scream insults like some child on E numbers when someone tries to assist. Consider this a warning... calm down or this thread gets locked. ;)


Also if you could stop the EXCESSIVE USE OF CAPS ZOMG that'd be appreciated. Typing in caps lock is seen on the net as shouting, if you didn't know that already.

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Wow, havent even checked this one for a while. Ya lol i was a little out there that day, kinda had a hard day. My grandma, just found out, is dieing of heart and liver failure. Going to see her tomarrow, my comp barely works for some reason, my room is always at least 100 degree's hot (no ventilation, so i get stressed easy just for that). I had trouble with my mod and to the last statement some1 left, this is the first forum i ever talked to what-his-nae-is-im-not-lookin-cause-i-just-woke-up guy(oooo i popped my neck just now and it was GOOOD) N e way i do apologize to whatever his name is for being out there, i shouldn;t have vented on him and thats my mistake.


BTW: i lied, i have yet to get that script, so i just used pressure plates instead.

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this is the first forum i ever talked to what-his-nae-is-im-not-lookin-cause-i-just-woke-up guy


If your referring to my comment, you have talked to Vagrant in another topic, here. In that topic you insulted Vagrant as well as any modders my age, and then blamed your behavior on drunkenness and stress from your day and lighting conditions.

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ummm.. Again, i say, im sorry. Though i never said i was drunk, just stressed cause my Grandma, the only sain person in my family, is dieing. And my room is extremely hot. I dont recall saying anything about lighting conditions, though if i had offended you again with my apology, then again i apologize and wont go into further detail in case i say something else stupid. I can't quit remeber what topic it was that i had insulted him but i was wrong, and i do realize he was trying to help and i shuved it in his face. Again, im sorry.
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I'm sorry about your grandmother, I myself have a grandfather who passed away (though he was the only insane person in my family).


I can't quit remeber what topic it was that i had insulted him

I gave a link. It was in the word "here". You mentioned that your punctuation was suffering because you were "freakin wasted". Soon after, you say that you're in a dark room with less than fully functional eyes.

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(though he was the only insane person in my family).


Wasnt that in a mod readme i made like... a couple months ago? Now i do remember "wasted, darkroom" but that was like 3AM in january or sumthing. "The Most Convinient Mod Ever". ROFL the NAME is wasted, can't believe i did name it that. But ya, i said before "Oh nvm i c it now" when i couldnt find the link be4.


also, i luv the way u emphasised IN rofl. And im sorry for your loss.



But do these things really matter? I'd just like to put it behind me and forget about any stupidness i typed out on this forum. Plus its not even talkin about mods n e more rofl.Though, again i say, sorry for being rude b4. My comp is slow so i cant really load pages fast, on top of a wireless interet =P but i will try to see what you were talkin bout if it wasnt the readme

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