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GO MAVS!!!!!


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that is all


edit: okay, as it stands that's pure spammerino.


Let me rephrase:

*snip* no time to be hatin' on the heat (tho I couldn't resist the below pic - looks like, so far, Lebron got the "not one" correct :biggrin:) ... just be lovin' on the Mavs. Great to see a ring on the fingers of Dirk, Jasons Kidd and Terry and the rest of the crew!


Feel free to chime in!


UPDATE: Dallas 105 Miami 95 Dallas wins 4-2 Dirk Nowitzki series MVP



Edited by kevkiev
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Haha, I was wondering who got into the finals. I haven't followed the NBA since the Bulls won elebenty billion championships in a row :P Heard they got pretty far this year. Doesn't help that I don't have a TV or ESPN either lol..."watching" it on the Internet just isn't the same.


I hope we get an NFL season this year...doesn't look good :(

Edited by Illiad86
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Chicago actually almost took out Miami in the semis this year. Amazingly enough, that was avoided in large part because of Lebron coming up big in the 4th quarter. Unlike in the finals during which he seemed to want to have nothing to do with the bball when the crunch was on.


Re: NFL - I'm reeeally hopin' the lockout ends in time. From I can gather, next year's NBA season is similarly in doubt. 2x :sad:

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