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What Race to choose... And what to play as.


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i have always started out as an elven Mage be it dark\wood (not high elves there butt ugly) and once Rens beauty pack was released pretty much just made mystic elf mages.


I seriously hope they introduce more elven races to skyrim they are popular after all (Look at the elf\elven based race mods on tesnexus).

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Dark Elf Conjurer/Archer. But maybe something melee oriented with a bit of magic chucked in (due to it looking super-mega-awesome and being useful as a "high-damage-spike"). Probably though a dark elf, since they just fit in so nicely to the setting. Though of course I'll be pretty torn on the entire thing and once more my save-game file will take up a good chunk of memory.
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even though based on how you level up and how skills go up i'd like to try to master as many things as possible. I kinda had this in oblivion i had one master character then a bunch of ther characters with specific types of playing. But specific rp characters can be a lot more fun than a bland master character. Ill also be more willing to try more of the elven races because the character models have been hugely improved appon so i wont feel a lil bit goofy playin as a wood elf with a recedeing hairline. Edited by criminalskum
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It's amazing how imbalanced the races are and yet how the imbalance plays very little in people's decisions. The best races in the game in terms of racial attributes are by far either the Breton or Altmer, but those aren't very popular races to play.
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@ Tuco404


Only for mages, Altmer would be a terrible choice for a warrior.Though a Breton wouldn't be quite as bad, you would still be better off with a Nord for a warrior.Breton is fairly popular, though according to this

poll, Nord seems to be what people will play the most.

Edited by Corakus
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I always wondered why are orcs so unpopular in elder scroll games,counting they are core of many fantasy games/worlds. Never understood also why people like Cats walking on 2 legs aka khajit. Oh well everbody has his own taste i guess.
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Orcs are so unpopular in TES games because they rarely look like orcs do in other fantasy universes, they're about the same size as Imperials.People would like them better if they didn't look like green elves with fangs.When people unfamiliar with the TES series see the word "Orc" they usually expect something that looks like the Uruk-hai from the LOTR movies. Edited by Corakus
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