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Still in the Dark - help


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I have an odd problem, I am trying to complete "Still in the Dark" first bit, I got all 3 holotapes for McNamara, but ended up with 2 from the Boomers one, and for some reason, I can tell him "they're dead Jim", but I just get a couple of questions about the base, and it will not complete, the mission just hangs at "hand in holotapes", anyone else had this problem?
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standard Bethesda programming error


you should have exactly one tape from each location

so having two will fail the test (of exactly one)


reload a previous save and never pick up the second copy of the tape

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That.... causes an wee problem... I got the one from Nellis AGES ago, and by that I mean, level 34, I am now level 40 and competed Honest Hearts addon since getting it.


Is there any way to fix it from here, as I do not think I could survive a /restart right now.

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Go here to see all the stages of the quest, then using the dev console, type in:


setstage 0015d79d (stage number here without brackets)




resetquest 0015d79d


That should help, but remember to create a save before you toy around with the quest in case something screws up.

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I have tried that and get an error I cannot read effectively due to the console appearing off screen a bit, but I do see "ot saved" - talk to McNamara, and just get the same repeating "have you found them"


EDIT: Okay, I just did it now and it worked, seems to be that my load order may have edited the name, or I was typing something else wrong, but thanks mate.

Edited by LBraden
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