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Suggestions for a Beginner?


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Personally, off the bat I'd go for mods that alter "basic" things you want to change in the overall game environment but have nothing to do with the storyline. Like environment textures and perhaps the HUD.


For example, 2 that I started out with are the DarNified HUD (not on nexus), link and the import of NMC's texture pack from FO3 (though you have to have it installed in FO3) here


There are different texture mods, and perhaps different HUD mods too - those are just the 2 I'm familiar with and have stuck with. Don't think I could play without 'em. Once I used 'em, the overall textures in the vanilla game just seemed blah and the vanilla HUD seemed overly clunky.


Another suggestion might be, especially if like me you got really used to being able to zoom out in FO3 while in 3rd person, some sort of third person camera mod like this one

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I'm with Kevkiev, I usually go in and check out the scene- see what the environment is like, what the characters look like and how they interact with the world, me and other NPCs. Then I'll go for basics. I KNOW I'll be adding mods, so I usually look for the mod manager for that game and the latest stable version of the script extender. For NV, those are NVMM and NVSE. Then I'm set to decide what I want to add. But that being said, I'm a mod junkie, lol I have 240+ mods running on my Oblivion game and currently in NV 100+. So I'm probably not the best role model, lol


NV is very buggy, so I have several fixes installed. Then I too go for things like changing the HUD and getting clothes and/or weapons I'd like to try. I also go for body replacers and texture enhancements for the environment, like Fellout. I add companions and then, since I'm a collector, I add things I'd like to use to decorate my homes. I also like different foods and drink, so I add any I like of those. I always get a new house first, if the one provided doesn't meet my needs or tastes.


Once I've played the game a bit, I'll add quests or bigger enhancements like a new casino or worldspace. Modding is addictive and quite fun. There is really no rhyme or rule to how mods should be applied. You just get in there and play around, see if there are things you'd like to make your wasteland life easier or more interesting, then look for mods that do that and go for it! Just have a good time, that's what it's all about :thumbsup:

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@ ABVXYzackattack: if you suggest he goes vanilla first, then let him NOT do main Q.

Let him explore the world, do side quests, no matter what, but IGNORE the main Q.

Eventually he'll get there anyway...


Main Q is sooooo overrated?

And poor for leveling.

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