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Swamp animals?


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The body needs to be wider, and the legs need to be more drawn in. Is the stretched look of them just because they aren't posed?


Ah, the legs are so wide out because thats what the idle anim would look like :) I wanted to give it a rested look, but I see now that they are too far out xD

Edited by alonsomartinez
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I thought the legs looked a little odd at first, but having Googled for frog images, it's the fact that the legs are stretched out rather than in an at-rest position. As they fold up, they will produce the more normal "frog's leg" shape. Toads tend to have fatter, stubbier legs, but also tend to walk more and jump less.
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Ridable even? :D Wow :O ... Will it hop....?


With straighter I ment like in the third pic, how the knee is a bit of a curve, to make it somewhat straighter / bonier.


But as MarkInMKUK reminded me of, I might have been thinking of the wrong frog... :whistling: (I'm Dutch, we only have like one or two kind of frogs overhere, just a whole lot of them) What you made now looks an awful lot like a treefrog, which'll work out great.


:rolleyes: I hope I can figure out a way to make him sit on a lilypad...

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Oddly enough, this was taken from a page called "How Frogs Work". I don't even wanna know..


Not sure if it's easy or not to be able to put the legs like that, though. If hopping is impossible waddling might work.

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Hopping should be do-able - there's a mod which adds rabbits and THEY hop (when running), although they walk when not in run mods, which looks VERY odd :(
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Well, frogs (in real life) can climb, hop, walk, swim, burrow... So little restriction on the realism part.


Though I'm not even sure how much work it would be, I personally prefer it if the frog could atleast hop, swim and idle.


Thanks again sofar.

Edited by GreatLucifer
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@GreatLucifer Believe it or not, I once saw 3 "will'o wisps" in real life when I was a teen. I understand why you might feel wisps would be the wrong aesthetic for your game, so not trying to convince you otherwise, but people in swamps, marshes, or bogs do see wisps fairly commonly. In real life they are apparently caused by swamp gas from organic decay emitting photons, but they can also be caused by natural gas leaks in urban environments. They do move around and the ones I saw appeared to chase each other rather lazily. It is easy to see why ancient people believed they were alive and sentient. The ones I saw came in yellow, cyan, and a sort of pink, as if light had been split/refracted. They don't fight you, of course, but I thought you could make them passive perhaps if you wanted to give the feeling of a swamp where there is a lot of natural decay and waterlogged material. It depends on conditions, but there are many many legends of lights in swamps, bogs, marshes, and anywhere manmade where methane or other gases may be present (mines, dumps, powerplants, graveyards, etc). What I saw was rather typical, colored light globes a bit bitter than a fist. They were less than 3 meters away from me in broad daylight, so I know they were not barn owls, bioluminescent insects or mushrooms, or any of those observer-is-an-idiot theories in the wikipedia. There were 4 of us. None of us were scared because my school had actually taught us about them, they were so commonly seen around that area. Somewhat more rarely, people report wavering columns often a bit thicker than a person, but where I lived we never saw those. One new-ish theory about the column type is that tectonic strain creates piezoelectricity. I'm guessing you'd be more likely to see these columns near fault lines, but I don't know much about those. I've never known anyone who has seen the columns but a lot of my friends growing up had seen the glowing balls in or near the marsh. I'm guessing you want a less stagnant type of swamp. :)
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Well, you do actually have a point there. It might even, when adjusted a bit, fit into the athmosphere.


I suppose it's mainly that I've never seen them before myself, so i hadn't really thought of that. When when you put it like that, it does indeed remind me of such stories. Your theory about the faultlines might be right as well, as there's a lot of swamps here, but no faultline and very, very rare swamplights.


I suppose if I can make them more frequent at night, more transparent, a bit larger, and passive, they'll work fine. Which I can :D

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Hopping should be do-able - there's a mod which adds rabbits and THEY hop (when running), although they walk when not in run mods, which looks VERY odd :(


I assume you are referring to Mr Silkas bunny mod? The reason it hops is because it is rigged to the rat skeleton, which hops.


And yes, I will make it hop :P


And Uber, I believe that picture you linked is a toad. I had several frogs when I was 7 ( i had to give them away because they had babies) and they didnt look like that at all. They had long, out stretched legs with skinny bodies.

Edited by alonsomartinez
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Their legs are just like that when they're sitting still. When they have their legs extended during movement, they're a lot more long and spindly.

I did some looking around on Google images, and there's a lot of variety between the species.




River-Swamp Frog



American Bullfrog



Pickerel Frog





And yes, those are all definitely frogs. Toads are a lot bumpier than a frog and their skin is more dry than that of a frog. You'll hardly ever (Never) see a toad with shiny skin unless it's underwater.


Really, though, I wager you could just make a generic looking frog and nobody will notice the difference.

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