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please someone please fix the mechanist lair from new automatron dlc after we get the base for ourselves. I build 5 robots they all just stand in the same circle I have cait there now put in a bench to sit 10 beds. even some planters with crops and water.

yet everyone including cait just stands near the big m on the floor and that's all.


hoping someone can fix it so I can assign robot guard patrols, have my companions use items in the new base, relax do stuff.


I am using the expanded base mod someone made on nexus. so I have build access to the bedroom and entire mechanist lair. so far I have found that none of the homemaker or any settler added items cannot be placed except In certain locations. including robot home defense bots. the rest must be vanilla only objects.

my goal is to turn the lair into my player house for my followers and I the works. since its the first place we can actually claim as our own and not just a part of even tho we do all the work in every settlement we go to build wise.


list of items im hoping people can tackle

once we get base we can no longer use the cool ass doors in it.


npc's need idle markers added around lair so they actually do stuff. even in the added expansion area's.


guard posts need to be added to workbench so we can place patrol points and assign robots we build as guards.


the lights after claiming the base dim down to non existence and after placing my own lights even they suffer the dreaded light bug issue where they stop working. this is a big problem as the base is inside meaning no sunlight time of day I can see for 12 hours to work. artificial lighting is a must for this location and seems to be a huge issue here.


those are the pet peeve items I have found. thank you for taking the time to read this request if any of these issues strikes you as something you can tackle I thank you again in advance.


feel free to add to this list if you have the dlc and see something that should be added or fixed in this location or if any of these issue have been solved via a mod and you want to let us know please post the link so everyone can find it. thank you all again for taking the time to read these requests.

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There's definitely some different stuff going on with that settlement.

A bunch of the floor is unbuildable (seems to not sense the collision), so I had to place flooring over the parts that are buildable (mainly the elevator hatch covers), and expand out from there.

When I tried to go down under the floor to see if I could build up under it, tcl did not let me do so. It also didn't let me "fly", which made adding better catwalks a pain in the butt.

Also, all of the existing catwalks and the various openings to areas on upper levels are non-snappable, so getting things to line up (especially since you have to build up from ground level, and can't start against a wall to line things up) is problematic.


Not sure what can be done to fix this, because there's obviouly some non-standard stuff going on.

Maybe someone who knows a lot more about how it works than I do can find a solution...

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