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Doors of Death!


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Does anyone know why many of my companions - although never myself - are killed stone dead when I walk through certain doors with them? One of them was a level 65 warrior! Poof - clunk - dead. It is annoying to say the least as I need them to protect me from the Ordinators, every one of which has targeted me for death (happens in the main quest). Is it a bug? Cheers T.
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Well, it sounds like the mod you're using is bad... because I don't think you can get companions in normal Morrowind. You can with Tribunal but I don't think they'd be that high a level. Also, the Ordinators don't attack you during the main quest, although they make it sound like they do.
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I'm living in a parallel universe then. The Ashlander Wise Woman told me that the Ordinators would target me for death due to their hatred for the Nevarvarine prophesy. And sure enough, Vivic is now a bloodbath every time I go there. It must be part of the quest - it was stated in the script. Regarding the doors, I have noticed that new, improved mod companions (such as Hilda and Laura Craft), do NOT get killed when walking through the doors.


The mod I used was the 'Give your orders mod' - which is great if you want to recruit some guards or mages for protection purposes. But these NPCs weren't written to move and follow, the way that say Hilda and Laura were. I wonder if there is a bug.

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Hmm, maybe. Maybe you can get a scripter to look at it and debug it :P


Wierd, with me, the ordinator's never attack during the main quest. Oh well. :P

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