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Modder Resources?


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Well first of all, This is my first post on these forums (I think) so greetings everyone.

Second, I believe this topic is in the right forum.

Now onto business.


Alright, I downloaded the Sheogorad mod by Phitt for modders resources, Specifically the dwemer tilesets.

I know most of the modding stuff, but how would i make a mod using the tilesets without always having the Sheogorad mod loaded when i play?

Most guides i find are not at all helpful.

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You have to make your own EditorIDs for the models. Load your .esp (and not the one for the resource), and go to the objects window. RIght click and select New. Navigate to the mesh you want in question, and select it. For extra caution so it doesn't conflict with other mods, add a prefix for your mod to the EditorID it automatically generates based on the name and location of the mesh.


A more easy way to do it is to simply right-click-drag the meshes you want onto the Object window, but this will make their EditorIDs the same as the mesh name, so you might have to change them to be unique.

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