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Weaponsmith and Amazing Items? Mod help


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I'm wondering if it's possible to add a mod category for weapons at the weapon workbench so I can make weapons from Weaponsmith work with Amazing Items. Armorsmith may (not sure if it just enables them or makes new ones) do the same thing with adding lining or weave to all or most armor.
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All it would take is to open up the weaponsmith esp in FO4edit and add the keywords used by amazing items to each of the weapons though for public distribution it might be best if the mod didn't add any new keywords and used the new keywords provided by AWKCR for addition.

The first Fallout mod I created for personal use was something similar... just adding keywords to standalone weapons as an override so I could use 2LM.


It is certainly something you could suggest on the mod page for weaponsmith but I know Gambit77 kept the mod pretty lore friendly.

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Yeah, if Gambit77 is all about lore friendly I doubt he'd be all for your shotgun shooting cannonballs. I'll see if he's down though.

Unfortunately for all the weapons of weaponsmith adding those keywords is crazy(because), but my IF-88 is happy. Adding a new category to the weapon mod menu might be something I have to wait at least 4 days for. Thanks for your input!

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