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Everything posted by sligth

  1. Me: Hey Bethesda, I found a bug... Bethesda: Where was the bug? Me: Behind this rock Bethesda: Where was the rock? Me: In the Commonwealth Bethesda: Where in the commonwealth? Me: Well if you idiots hadn't turned off the console I would give you X Y Z co-ordinates Betas really should be a chance for development partners (i.e. us modders) to ensure compatibility with future releases. Playing Fallout 4 without the opportunity, if needed to use the bug fix mods I have installed? No thanks
  2. All it would take is to open up the weaponsmith esp in FO4edit and add the keywords used by amazing items to each of the weapons though for public distribution it might be best if the mod didn't add any new keywords and used the new keywords provided by AWKCR for addition. The first Fallout mod I created for personal use was something similar... just adding keywords to standalone weapons as an override so I could use 2LM. It is certainly something you could suggest on the mod page for weaponsmith but I know Gambit77 kept the mod pretty lore friendly.
  3. Regarding DSS files, I haven't found 1 tool that handles detection and conversion perfectly for all possible formats. In theory Microsoft has command line tools and libraries that probably do all, but there is no detection or updated UI. NVidia Photoshop plugin doesn't handle all BC5, and no BC7 Intel seems better at newer formats, but doesn't handle BC1 with alpha both loading and saving, so you think you have a texture with no alpha, when in fact you should have had an alpha. AMD Compress (latest version) doesn't support all recent formats even though they have people working on developing the formats. GIMP I haven't used, but the repo I found on Gcode for the plugin looked abandoned and the backup someone did on Github was just that, a backup with no changes. No BC7 support. Ultimately a lot of trial and error, but far easier for a creator working with his own textures than someone looking to optimize someone elses textures.
  4. Start with a toy car, copy stuff over to it... done.
  5. I just had a file I have been trying to download for a few hours complete so things are on the mend
  6. I promise you, those that run the site are being paid. Nothing in life is free, even free stuff. You get the Google Analytics IQ certification? Idk, I go back and forth on it. This site has nothing to do with giving modders a platform to showcase their mods for free...you know that right? Just like google has nothing to do with providing a search engine for ppl to use for free. That's the honey for the money, dear. Certification I have always looked on as being 1. Learning, 2. Agency 3. Corporate I was already looked on as advanced from a user perspective when these things came out, though I am not good enough at javascript for the more advanced stuff like client to serverside implementations. I am good enough to tell the devs their implementation is messed up by looking at the cookies etc. Related content is important for 1. User retention, additional page views & repeat visits.. though it would also then mean more downloads (which costs $ but that is like a cost of doing business) 2. It can have SEO benefits, especially on a site so vast That is to be expected. Mods have always been for two audiences really, those that are dedicated to the game, and those that can not afford new games regularly. I haven't seen much of a slowdown in views for Fallout content on Youtube, I suppose a lot of that is console driven 2. It can have SEO benefits, especially on a site so vast
  7. In response to post #35720517. #35720677 is also a reply to the same post. I can't help feeling that some kind of private bittorrent built into NMM would alleviate reliance on CDN (as a download option). Your bandwidth bill must be insane.
  8. I am sure they will get it fixed. It isn't the kind of issue to leave work on a Friday evening saying you will fix it on Monday.
  9. Fallout 4 is doing really well compared to XCom 2 on Steam Charts I too am an analytics/marketing guy and I have been wondering... 1. Are there rules about pixels for analytics / remarketing? 2. I am amazed someone hasn't dreamed up some kind of cross-marketing system so you can choose mods to promote on your own pages, and somehow earn credits for display on other pages in related and "have you tried" sections. There is very little in the way of structured related content on the site, and mod authors are often the best to determine their place in the world in relation to other mods.
  10. What you are describing is effectively gunnut, if you don't strip mods from guns you buy (normally gun with most mods are for sale before you can make them) You may find some self imposed rules help 1. No Buying weapons 2. No buying shipments until endgamel v60+ or main quest complete 3. Maybe no power armor and use armorsmith - it isn't so over powering early if it takes you 40-50 levels to get enough ballistic fibre for your first set of ballistic weave. 4. Survival of course though mod it with more spawn, more legendaries,, maybe arbitration 5. There is a mod Gunplay that encourages you to use automatics more http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10008/? Then there is the overall playstyle change of not using VATS so much - I hip-fire or combat scope 2.5x almost everything now.
  11. Could you fix views now as well? 1. Don't count the author 2. Count only unique 3. Ignore bots (preferably only logged in)
  12. If you use them then often when you come to a new cell, you might find yourself waiting for textures to load, which can be very frustrating. This doesn't happen with textures loading from .ba2 archives (well in theory it probably could happen regardless if you travel fast enough). That being said I have been using the texture optimization project for a while. Most of the optimization they have done doesn't affect quality too much and for lower end / older graphics cards it makes a difference even if you use mip map skip, and even better might allow you to run without using mip map skip sometimes even on a 1GB card.
  13. I have seen a few links from mod pages to this thread. I hope Neanka eventually returns to continue the excellent work as the small digging I did into Flash gave me a headache :( This thread is only available to Mod author, and I am sure a large number of users (maybe the vast majority) don't have access to it.
  14. It is certainly possible to do if you are using glasses rather than power armor... just bind a key that switches between different worn glasses. I think with glasses mods of various kinds they can also be active based on if a weapon is drawn, whether sneaking etc. If you are wearing power armor, maybe a mod that allows all clothing mods to continue working would be viable, though power armor tends to block switching clothes. There are various hud options with glasses, and whilst I know what I am using currently, that doesn't mean I am 100% satisfied
  15. The G3 Stand-alone is pretty slender and works well as a fun hip-fire gun. If it is added to the levelled lists raiders become a lot harder
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