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Interesting Issue


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Ok, so, my desktop CTD when i start up, i make it to the load screen, and just as im loading *BAM* CTD ...now, oddly enough i have a RoG laptop which is a clone of my desktop ....dont judge me......i have the exact same mods running , the laptop runs flawlessly, but the desktop CTD's...so i know its not a compayability issue.....


Any insight would be great.

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I'm not judging because I have the exact same problem! Granted my laptop is not exactly a clone, it's less powerful and I'm not running as many texture mods (without .esps). My laptop is loading my previous saves, but my desktop isn't. I'm in the process of reinstalling on my desktop now to see if that helps.


I am unable to load any saves, but I can start a new game on my desktop. On my laptop I have no issues with the same files. It's very bizzare.


Edit - I played a new game for several hours on my desktop and got a CTD when exiting the cave under Red Rocket. When I started the game back up without changing a single thing, the save wouldn't load just like the others.

Edited by kirkonacid
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