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Nexus mod bug


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I'm sorry for my bad english, i'm French.


I start a new topic because I have a really problem Nexus mod Manager.

I can't have the v4.6 FrameNetwork (System don't accept it). I installed NexusMod Manager (Downloaded on the site), but when i want to start it, a message appear and say i can't start the soft if i havn't V4.6 NetFrameWork.






Can someone help me with this problem ? Can i download NexusManager older version that accept older NetframeWork version ?


Thank for your answers !

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Hello, Mr. Harthas,


What version of Windows are you using? To quote one of our moderators, Mr. bben,

".Net Framework is a part of Windows.

It was included in the monthly Windows updates several months ago as a recommended update.

The site you were directed to is an alternate download location that allows you to download just that version of the .Net Framework without having to slog through the hundreds of MS updates on the MS Update site.

If you are using Win10, that version is already included.

If you are using Win7 another update is required before it will allow you to install that version of .Net Framework - it was a major Win7 update about 5 years ago called SP1

You can find SP1 on the Windows Update site - and the .Net Framework is there as well if you prefer to Download it there.

If you use Win7, and don't have SP1 already installed, the .Net Framework will give an error that your version of Windows is not compatible, That is because the SP1 update changed the Windows version number when it was released - it was that important."



The Rabbit

Edited by Rabbit 51
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If you are using Win7 another update is required before it will allow you to install that version of .Net Framework - it was a major Win7 update about 5 years ago called SP1


Since one of the recent .net Framework versions (4.1 I think?) there's actually another Windows 7 update required in addition to service pack 1, but I can't remember which one (they don't have useful names that you can remember).


If you're concerned about allowing Windows updates because of the ones which try to make you install Windows 10, you can find a list of the "bad updates" online and just install the rest manually with windows updater. That's what I ended up doing to get NMM working.


Edit: Just make sure you get your list of updates to avoid from a reputable site.

Edited by PoliteRaider
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You have to download the correct language version of .net for your system. If you use french on your system, you need to find the french version on the microsoft download site. Otherwise .net will refuse to install, but it also refuses to tell you why...


When you hit download .net via NMM it trys to install the english version by default, which will noch work for you.


This link should work: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48135

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