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XCOM Editor and building/debugging.


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Okay, anyone who's messed with the packages has probably come across this already:


Modbuddy just wont build/debug while the XCOM Editor is running. Which means if you're doing a lot of graphic asset editing or messing with archetypes or any map/package operations, you're: Starting Modbuddy, starting XCOMUDK, doing your stuff, shutting down, building, launching XCOM to check, then back to XCOMUDK. Kind of real tedious!


The thing that's stopping it is that the editor is keeping fingers in the mod directory preventing it from being deleted for Modbuddy to make a new build. How can I get around this?

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There's a couple of things going on here. Due to the way Epic architected Unreal Engine 3, pretty much everything runs through the *Game.exe (UDKGame.exe for stock UDK, XComGame.exe for XCOM 2 SDK). This includes the make and precompileshaders commandlets that the ModBuddy Build command executes and the UnrealEditor.


If you run into the SDK Logs folder and look at the various logs, you'll see in various logs the following :


Launching Unreal Editor:

Init: Command line: editor -noscriptcompile 

Build make commandlet:

Init: Command line: precompileshaders -nopause platform=pc_sm4 DLC=LW_OfficerPack 

Build precompileshaders commandlet:

Init: Command line: make -nopause -mods LW_OfficerPack "C:\Steam\SteamApps\common\XCOM 2 SDK\XComGame\\Mods\LW_OfficerPack\" 

What's happening is that all of these processes are all run through the same copy of XComGame.exe in the SDK folder. And so they all try and write to the same log file. This log-file collision is technical the first thing that breaks if you try and build while UnrealEd is open. That's because the UnrealEd process has the Launch.log open already when the make commandlet tries to rename the existing Launch.log to the Launch-backup. This fails, so the process fails.


However, there are other interdependencies between the scripts and UnrealEd. UnrealEd actually loads all of the ModShaderCaches, script packages, and config data from the mods in the SDK. In some cases this is 100% necessary (build XComPerkContent archetypes, build new archetypes based on mod script). So it's likely that other stuff would break as well.

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