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Better/More Randomized Custom Radio Tracks


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I've got about 30 or so custom lore friendly tracks I like to add to the default radio station in game, so I've been using JRavens Extra Tracks since it originally came out.


Without the Creation Kit, it's been a really great resource. My main problem is the randomization really isn't very good and you can go hours without hearing any tracks at while several have repeated numerous times.


Outside of some of the mods that add entirely new custom radio stations, have there been any other alternatives to adding your own selected tracks to Diamond City Radio (without overwriting the original music)?


Or will we have to wait until the G.E.C.K. for a more seamless integration of custom music?

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Yes and no.


You can download a mod called Personal Radio which lets you easily add custom music as its own radio station without overwriting any original music.


However this won't randomize the tracks since Personal Radio plays them in the exact order that you set them up in every time. Still, no randomization is sometimes better than bad randomization.

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er- simply extract the ORIGINAL tracks from Diamond City radio, add your own new tracks, and use the whole bundle as a REPLACEMENT for Diamond City radio.

So I know how to replace tracks currently on Diamond City Radio but I'm not sure what you mean when you say 'add your own new tracks' and then use the bundle as a replacement?

Edited by tk423
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