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CTD after 20 minutes, regardless of actions


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As stated above, my game will crash after about 15 minutes, regardless of what I'm doing. Managing stuff in menus? Crash. In the Race Menu updating a character/making a new character? Crash. Talking to a random NPC? Also crash. The only thing that it doesn't crash on is the title screen. This is infuriating and makes the game near impossible to play. I'm using Windows 10 with SKSE (version 1.7.3, downloaded off Steam). Listed below is my mod list in their load order. I sorted them through LOOT already, so unless it's a specific mod that needs to be moved, please don't tell me to sort with LOOT.




0 0 Skyrim.esm
1 1 Update.esm
2 2 Dawnguard.esm
3 3 HearthFires.esm
4 4 Dragonborn.esm
5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp
6 6 Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm
7 7 Falskaar.esm
8 8 Wyrmstooth.esp
9 9 Master of Disguise.esm
10 a AP Skyrim.esm
11 b ApachiiHair.esm
12 c ApachiiHairMales.esm
13 d HorseBranding.esm
14 e TKChildren.esm
15 f daymoyl.esm
16 10 Cutting Room Floor.esp
17 11 a quality world map - with roads.esp
18 12 amazingfollowertweaks.esp
19 13 tranquility.esp
20 14 sos - the wilds.esp
21 15 sos - civilization.esp
22 16 Thunderchild - Epic Shout Package (Workshop).esp
23 17 sos - the dungeons.esp
24 18 TheEvilMansionFE.esp
25 19 Day Night City Lights.esp
26 1a cartographers map markers.esp
27 1b Wintermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp
28 1c Wind Destruction.esp
29 1d song of the alchemist - thegreylight.esp
30 1e skyrim in color.esp
31 1f Further Dark Dungeons for ENB.esp
32 20 haafinheim.esp
33 21 uniquebordergates-all.esp
34 22 tame beast.esp
35 23 tos_amber_guard.esp
36 24 tos_laintardale_hf.esp
37 25 tos_granitehall.esp
38 26 MidasSkyrim.esp
39 27 WheelsOfLull.esp
40 28 prometheus_beastskeletons.esp
41 29 SkyrimEvolved.esp
42 2a WildHerdsOfSkyrim.esp
43 2b The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp
44 2c Conjuration Defiled.esp
45 2d acedogcompanion.esp
46 2e barenziahquestmarkers.esp
47 2f better embers.esp
48 30 Better Wuuthrad.esp
49 31 coinrework.esp
50 32 convenient horses.esp
51 33 NoWeightForOtherMiscs.esp
52 34 craftableclothes.esp
53 35 dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
54 36 deathwing inspired alduin reloaded.esp
55 37 NoWeightForBooks.esp
56 38 dreamstride.esp
57 39 dr_bandolier.esp
58 3a dr_bandolierdg.esp
59 3b DualSummon.esp
60 3c gsr_friendlyvampires.esp
61 3d The_Sinister_Seven_SteamV3_4.esp
62 3e ivoryplate.esp
63 3f SlicerofTwilight'sEndLagrie.esp
64 40 vMYC_MeetYourCharacters.esp
65 41 HB BasicRidingAI.esp
66 42 hdplants+herbs.esp
67 43 Improved Spells.esp
68 44 improved wooden sword for hearthfire.esp
69 45 ktxcompleteskyforge.esp
70 46 nightingale.esp
71 47 KnifeOfTheGodess.esp
72 48 lilithsLacerator.esp
73 49 wieldablelantern.esp
74 4a lusty3.esp
75 4b merchant gold increase.esp
76 4c the hunting game - thegreylight.esp
77 4d NoWeightFood.esp
78 4e NoWeightForDragonClaws.esp
79 4f NoWeightForDwarvenItems.esp
80 50 NoWeightForHidesAndPelts.esp
81 51 NoWeightForIngots.esp
82 52 NoWeightForOres.esp
83 53 NoWeightForPreciousGems.esp
84 54 NoWeightForSoulGem's.esp
85 55 pkg - arch-mage.esp
86 56 sneak redesigned.esp
87 57 xxxMedsCure.esp
88 58 Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp
89 59 RaceMenu.esp
90 5a RaceMenuPlugin.esp
91 5b RevampedExteriorFog.esp
92 5c realrainbwvanilla.esp
93 5d Simple Spell Scaling.esp
94 5e SkyMoMod.esp
95 5f SkyUI.esp
96 60 TavernGames.esp
97 61 TKChildren_DB.esp
98 62 TKChildren_HF.esp
99 63 TKChildren_V.esp
100 64 unique uniques.esp
101 65 unreadbooksglow.esp
102 66 UsefulDogs.esp
103 67 walk.esp
104 68 Water Destruction.esp
105 69 WetandCold.esp
106 6a When Vampires Attack.esp
107 6b better-ench-fx.esp
108 6c FS_Skycutter.esp
109 6d ENB Snow FX.esp
110 6e [KijikoHair_MalePack].esp
111 6f Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp

Edited by Derps4Days
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Performed a complete reinstall with a new (clean) save/character. Crashed 15 minutes in, again.

If it helps, my PC is a x64-based HP Pavilion Notebook with Window 10 Home, Intel Core i5-5200U CPU @ 2.20GHz, 2195 Mhz, 2 Cores, and 4 Logical Processors. Please help; I'd really like to pick up Skyrim again.

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What kind of video card and how much memory? What resolution are you playing at? I'm thinking it could just be running out of memory. Actually, I'm thinking that it could just be windows 10. (Why anyone would update to that, I'll never know) If it seems to crash regardless of how much memory is used up, with or without mods, I would suspect it's just the spyware that is trying to communicate at regular intervals.

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What kind of video card and how much memory? What resolution are you playing at? I'm thinking it could just be running out of memory. Actually, I'm thinking that it could just be windows 10. (Why anyone would update to that, I'll never know) If it seems to crash regardless of how much memory is used up, with or without mods, I would suspect it's just the spyware that is trying to communicate at regular intervals.

Well, the thing is, my dad was trying to do something on my computer and he was the one who installed it, sooo...

I used to play in fullscreen (1366x768), but recently I've been using Windowed Mode (runs faster). The graphics card is an Intel HD Graphic 5500, which is a likely explanation for the problems... the last time Skyrim worked for a while was on my last Dell laptop... which broke after 2-3 months. Yeah.

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If it was working fine before the windows 10 update, then I wouldn't be surprised if something's gone buggy. Apparently a lot of people are having issues every time there's a new update for Windows10. It's just a very new OS and most software/games that people are using now was not made with that OS in mind. All I can suggest is to try updating your video card drivers. It looks like there were a couple updates in March for your card so it's worth a try.



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If it was working fine before the windows 10 update, then I wouldn't be surprised if something's gone buggy. Apparently a lot of people are having issues every time there's a new update for Windows10. It's just a very new OS and most software/games that people are using now was not made with that OS in mind. All I can suggest is to try updating your video card drivers. It looks like there were a couple updates in March for your card so it's worth a try.



I'll try those out. And the whole part about my dad installing Windows 10? Bad memory on my part, that was on my now-broken Dell laptop. Skyrim still worked on it after the update, and since my current laptop came with Windows 10, that shouldn't be the issue.

Edited by Derps4Days
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