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Trouble making custom class


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I am trying to make a custom class, I want it to be available for all the origins except dwarven ones because it is supposed to be a magic knight styled class. It was meant to use the a few mage spell (arcane bolt, life drain, regeneration, mana drain, spirit shield, frost weapons) and others like it because it was meant to be a sword and shield or two handed weapon user with only like 8 spells and the 8 spells it uses are supposed to be minor magics not the super strong ones. Well, I go about it using this guide (http://www.x3dmod.com/da/da_new_class.htm) and all seems to go well with it except two things.


#1 the character is not there at the generation screen, it is just completely blank, #2 is skills I set for the class are not there either, instead what I got was dual weapons and archery, which was the exact opposite of what I was trying for. I was just wondering if someone could help with this?

Edited by hadoumastery
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