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Fallout 4 Survival Mode Beta


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In response to post #36255115. #36258750, #36296705 are all replies on the same post.

Castornebula wrote: Are they still insistent on that save point nonsense?
I guess I'll have to wait for a mod to disable that ill thought out feature.
printerkop wrote: Look at the files of the month list on the main page, the last mod does exactly that.
c71clark wrote: Same here. I've made peace with the fast travel thing, but the save gimping is a no-go. It's not immersive, it's not fun, it's not 'dramatic tension'. It's a damn hassle. But, I expect we'll be able to fix that on our own if Bethesda keeps it in after the official launch.

I laughed when I saw that mod. It came so quickly.
I always know I can count on the modding community xD
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In response to post #36257975. #36330685 is also a reply to the same post.

Ethreon wrote:


In response to post #36250120. #36250875, #36253370, #36253890, #36255175, #36255675, #36255830, #36257015, #36257275 are all replies on the same post.

Beantins wrote: Really looking forward to the new survival mode - but not the in-bed save system. So if I'm wandering the commonwealth and find a behemoth I need to leave and find a bed then walk back before taking it on or risk dying and losing a lot of progress??

I appreciate what they're trying to do but the glitches, bugs and irreversible player errors are too frequent for a checkpoint style of game-play.

I hope the Nexus community are able to come up with a workaround better than just a droppable bedroll, because real life happens and it's not always convenient to find a bed when you need to stop playing.
printerkop wrote: Exactly, don't take it on if you haven't slept shortly before, or you'll have to do everything again.

I had to replay an hour cause my game crashed, then i had to replay an hour because i stumbled on a brahmin with 5 mines around it, bethesda's little joke on us.

Don't worry, when the Creation kit is released these issues will certainly be adressed.
Beantins wrote: Case in point, just had a power cut! Hadn't seen a bed since I left my settlement over an hour ago. If you're in the countryside you're screwed haha.

I can see how it would ramp up the tension but the frustration wouldn't make it worth it in my opinion.

Like I said I'm looking forward to the other changes just not that one. Also I hope the console being disabled will only apply to the beta?
Baboo77 wrote: Last night I was taking the castle, I had avoided most of the fights on the way too the castle so my save was an annoying distance away, not super far but still a tedious run back when having to do it repetitively.
I set up a firing line and proceeded to lure the mirelurks out. Well, the stupid effin minutemen kept throwing their unlimited supply of molotov coctails at me instead of the mirelurks. I know it's unlimited cause I pick pocketed them empty on the 3rd try and they still had more to throw and I know it was at me they were throwing cause on the second try I was standing behind them and one turned around and chucked a bottle at me. After the 4th run back to the castle was quite annoyed by this so I got crafty. With some painstaking agro control and precise sprinting burst and a ton of chems to keep me alive I managed to get the minutemen killed by mirelurks and their own molotov coctails before proceeding to take the castle alone with Garvey.

Yeah, save on demand is pretty much a must in a game like this.
Castornebula wrote: I do hope the no save thing is as simple as changing a variable in FO4Edit or whatever they use now because I'd like to try this, but no way can I tolerate this save point idea.

It worries me that Bethesda are so blithely ignorant about how their game works, and the inherent instability of their own engine. At any moment I can get kicked to the desktop, not even an error message. The game will just randomly die.
The worst part about this is that the highest occurence of these CTDs happens when I approach settlements... otherwise known as PLACES WITH BEDS. Essentially guaranteeing I will lose the most amount of playtime in any given crash.

I could never play this game without saving on demand and that's all there is to it.
Scynix wrote: If your crashing was symptomatic across all players, yeah, they'd be stupid. I don't crash. Ever. Unless I install a ton of mods. I can name ten people who haven't crashed once. Maybe you should troubleshoot your computer?
Castornebula wrote: What a stupid thing to say. You don't crash therefore it's okay?
I crash, sometimes. Not always, but enough that saving on demand is better for peace of mind. Plenty of people have problems crashing and always have with Fallout 4, with Skyrim, with all the other Bethesda games running this engine. Mods or no mods.

Case in point: I've never had a single glitch, crash or performance issue with XCOM 2. But I'm not going to sit here and smugly blame other people's computers for the problems they've had to the point XCOM 2 is semi-notorious for it.
Czujny1982 wrote: So, you crash therefore something it's wrong with the game, yes? What a stupid way to think. And if you dont like no save on demand system, don't play survival mode. Simple.
Castornebula wrote: Something has always been wrong with this engine. It's never been known for it's stability. That's a simple fact. Try to actually read what I say before responding.

And let me explain this to you very simply. I want the features of survival mode. Just not this ridiculous save point system. It is nothing but an albatross around the entire mode's neck that is impractical for a myriad of reasons, the potential for crashing being merely one example.

New save system is not ridiculous, it's more immersive.




Having to sleep every few hours is a real life affection. Might be immersive if you have that affection or if you want to see how it would be to live with it.

Dragonex12 wrote: But saving to sleep is not immersive. A sleep need is fine, but in no way is it immersive to force your character to sleep just to save.

Then dont sleep to save, just sleep when your character needs to sleep.
Edited by mcguffin
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In response to post #36304110. #36307120, #36321475 are all replies on the same post.

bubinga64 wrote: Finally tried survival mode. They need to implement a timescale slider if they are not allowing access to the console. It's just silly that every 10 minutes it's night time again. It would also be nice if they had a built in "darker nights" mode for survival. It's tough determining time when an hour goes by in a minute or so and it looks just as dark at 8pm as it does at 3am.

they need to dial down the food needs, or make the time scale slider. It takes everything you have found to just be "fed". Haven't been able to kill a raider yet, but died twice. I'm trying it on a new character and just getting some armor is pretty rough. I'm sure it will get easier. The timescale is my biggest gripe.
Snowskeeper wrote: Mods and console access are disabled because Survival Mode is in beta, and they want feedback to be as pure as possible--not based on gameplay as defined by mods or use of console commands. So the console will probably be available in the final release, is what I'm saying.
printerkop wrote: he wasn't talking about mods snowskeeper, you should respond to what someone writes instead of respond to what he wrote triggers in your head. You seem to be stuck in a loop to repeat yourself over and over about the Survival mode being a BETA instead of actually reacting to what people say.

I agree with the timescale thing, time flies by so fast that hydration and the need to eat become ridiculous.
Also when using any drug you need to drink like 4 bottles of water, so if you take 2 stimpacks to heal your limbs and a psychojet to kill the deathclaw you need to drink 12 bottles of water.

I have been taking loads of drugs when i was younger, but i never had to drink 32 liters of water everyday.
If i would have done that i would have died from water poisoning, even worse then taking drugs.

Oh if this was in my teens, I'd need an IV at all times
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In response to post #36257975. #36330685, #36352350 are all replies on the same post.

Ethreon wrote:


In response to post #36250120. #36250875, #36253370, #36253890, #36255175, #36255675, #36255830, #36257015, #36257275 are all replies on the same post.

Beantins wrote: Really looking forward to the new survival mode - but not the in-bed save system. So if I'm wandering the commonwealth and find a behemoth I need to leave and find a bed then walk back before taking it on or risk dying and losing a lot of progress??

I appreciate what they're trying to do but the glitches, bugs and irreversible player errors are too frequent for a checkpoint style of game-play.

I hope the Nexus community are able to come up with a workaround better than just a droppable bedroll, because real life happens and it's not always convenient to find a bed when you need to stop playing.
printerkop wrote: Exactly, don't take it on if you haven't slept shortly before, or you'll have to do everything again.

I had to replay an hour cause my game crashed, then i had to replay an hour because i stumbled on a brahmin with 5 mines around it, bethesda's little joke on us.

Don't worry, when the Creation kit is released these issues will certainly be adressed.
Beantins wrote: Case in point, just had a power cut! Hadn't seen a bed since I left my settlement over an hour ago. If you're in the countryside you're screwed haha.

I can see how it would ramp up the tension but the frustration wouldn't make it worth it in my opinion.

Like I said I'm looking forward to the other changes just not that one. Also I hope the console being disabled will only apply to the beta?
Baboo77 wrote: Last night I was taking the castle, I had avoided most of the fights on the way too the castle so my save was an annoying distance away, not super far but still a tedious run back when having to do it repetitively.
I set up a firing line and proceeded to lure the mirelurks out. Well, the stupid effin minutemen kept throwing their unlimited supply of molotov coctails at me instead of the mirelurks. I know it's unlimited cause I pick pocketed them empty on the 3rd try and they still had more to throw and I know it was at me they were throwing cause on the second try I was standing behind them and one turned around and chucked a bottle at me. After the 4th run back to the castle was quite annoyed by this so I got crafty. With some painstaking agro control and precise sprinting burst and a ton of chems to keep me alive I managed to get the minutemen killed by mirelurks and their own molotov coctails before proceeding to take the castle alone with Garvey.

Yeah, save on demand is pretty much a must in a game like this.
Castornebula wrote: I do hope the no save thing is as simple as changing a variable in FO4Edit or whatever they use now because I'd like to try this, but no way can I tolerate this save point idea.

It worries me that Bethesda are so blithely ignorant about how their game works, and the inherent instability of their own engine. At any moment I can get kicked to the desktop, not even an error message. The game will just randomly die.
The worst part about this is that the highest occurence of these CTDs happens when I approach settlements... otherwise known as PLACES WITH BEDS. Essentially guaranteeing I will lose the most amount of playtime in any given crash.

I could never play this game without saving on demand and that's all there is to it.
Scynix wrote: If your crashing was symptomatic across all players, yeah, they'd be stupid. I don't crash. Ever. Unless I install a ton of mods. I can name ten people who haven't crashed once. Maybe you should troubleshoot your computer?
Castornebula wrote: What a stupid thing to say. You don't crash therefore it's okay?
I crash, sometimes. Not always, but enough that saving on demand is better for peace of mind. Plenty of people have problems crashing and always have with Fallout 4, with Skyrim, with all the other Bethesda games running this engine. Mods or no mods.

Case in point: I've never had a single glitch, crash or performance issue with XCOM 2. But I'm not going to sit here and smugly blame other people's computers for the problems they've had to the point XCOM 2 is semi-notorious for it.
Czujny1982 wrote: So, you crash therefore something it's wrong with the game, yes? What a stupid way to think. And if you dont like no save on demand system, don't play survival mode. Simple.
Castornebula wrote: Something has always been wrong with this engine. It's never been known for it's stability. That's a simple fact. Try to actually read what I say before responding.

And let me explain this to you very simply. I want the features of survival mode. Just not this ridiculous save point system. It is nothing but an albatross around the entire mode's neck that is impractical for a myriad of reasons, the potential for crashing being merely one example.

New save system is not ridiculous, it's more immersive.




Having to sleep every few hours is a real life affection. Might be immersive if you have that affection or if you want to see how it would be to live with it.

Dragonex12 wrote: But saving to sleep is not immersive. A sleep need is fine, but in no way is it immersive to force your character to sleep just to save.
mcguffin wrote: Then dont sleep to save, just sleep when your character needs to sleep.

Maybe save on wait could be added. Find a chair, sit your ass down and wait for an hour. Game saved. Edited by Obituary
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In response to post #36264185. #36272420, #36280400, #36281620, #36294745, #36295480, #36307360, #36313620, #36340025, #36344490, #36347635, #36348020 are all replies on the same post.

MagnaBob wrote: I have zero interest in survival mode. When it alphas all our systems via Steam, are we going to have disable it somehow or will it be an opt-in type option? (I eagerly await the Wasteland Workshop.)
Eruadur wrote: Seriously....?
ApolloUp wrote: It's a legit question... No need to be prickly, just answer it.
Starke wrote: It's an optional difficulty mode.

That said, I've got no idea if this new mod lockdown is just a function of them trying to keep the beta clean or a sign of things to come.
Eruadur wrote: @ApolloUp

I'm not obligated to answer stupid questions.
popcorn71 wrote: What...? Why are you posting a commenting saying that you won't answer the question? Why not just ignore it and move on? There is no point being nasty about it.
Snowskeeper wrote: Bob, as stated--repeatedly--in the above post, Survival Mode is an optional game-mode, which is currently in beta. If you have not opted into betas via the Properties menu on Steam, you will not have access to Survival Mode at all until it is completed and released. Not sure what the Wasteland Workshop has to do with anything.
Eruadur wrote: @popcorn71

I was simply conmenting on someone who things he can tell me what to say or what to do.
Just like you are doing right now ....

It's called freedom of speech. As long as I don't break any of Nexus' rule I can comment on any post directed at me or answer ( or not ) any question as I see fit.
And there's nothing you can do about it popcorn71.

I suggest you ignore people's posts in here because commenting on other people seems to make you irritable....?
MokChaoticran wrote: This isn't a democratic nation it's a website. Flaunting your "freedom of speech" is useless and saying that you can say something just because it's legally allowed doesn't make it either valid or worthwhile. Your comment was neither, by the way. You're being belligerent.
Eruadur wrote: Like I care ?
jbMnemonic wrote: My "Beta" setting was automatically changed by steam to not opt in for the survival beta. Thanks steam, you saved me a lot of trouble.

I wish anyway that gamebreaking exercises like this is not released as "Betas" as it is not, it is "Alpha" at best.
EbokianKnight wrote: ... Its definitely Beta. An Alpha test is an in-house test, non-public. Beta test means it worked enough that they need to extend their data set. Also you will always default to opt out with steam unless you actively opt in, and you can just opt out if you try it and get tired of it. There's nothing weird about this, and certainly nothing invasive. Bethesda didn't disable mods for everyone, just those in the test, which is reasonable. So there is nothing to support the idea that they're going to "turn off your mods" when the system is actually launched. Relax.

What everybody fails to mention is that while it is an optional difficulty mode, you probably will be forced to use Very Hard max if you don't want anything the new Survival difficulty brings.
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A raider having a mini nuke launched at his feet and surviving with half health? Worse, a legendary who simply morphs back to full health?


Being level 4 armorer and you cannot make an armor bench without level 2 leader perks?


Laser rifles with major kickback? WTF! Those are not immersive elements - they are game play restrictions and effects placed by the designers to control game play. The goal being to make mechanics that balance fun and enjoyment with elements intended to make the game 'immersive' like the kick of shotgun (not a freaking laser Beth!) or the slowness of large melee weapons that do more damage than smaller fast ones that do less.


I loved the mods for Skyrim that made the cold more cold and taking a dip in a lake a dangerous proposition. The need to eat and sleep periodically added to the experience. On the other hand, facing a *real* deathclaw or behemoth always gets me anxious and my blood pumping. Not being able to save on demand would make the game tedious rather than "fun" to me.


I like the water/food/sleep needs but do not relish the notion of walking into the wasteland where you get creamed and lose (possibly) a lot of progress because you were exploring and ran into a nasty situation.

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In response to post #36255115. #36258750, #36296705, #36350130 are all replies on the same post.

Castornebula wrote: Are they still insistent on that save point nonsense?
I guess I'll have to wait for a mod to disable that ill thought out feature.
printerkop wrote: Look at the files of the month list on the main page, the last mod does exactly that.
c71clark wrote: Same here. I've made peace with the fast travel thing, but the save gimping is a no-go. It's not immersive, it's not fun, it's not 'dramatic tension'. It's a damn hassle. But, I expect we'll be able to fix that on our own if Bethesda keeps it in after the official launch.
Ludaus wrote: I laughed when I saw that mod. It came so quickly.
I always know I can count on the modding community xD

Considering how crashy Beth. games are...you'd think they would have thought twice about that...on the other hand...I guess it makes it easier on you if you get one of the no-progress Automotron bugs if your only save was when you took a nap before starting it... ... ...
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In response to post #36309660. #36321640, #36327340, #36327690, #36329130, #36330820, #36336850 are all replies on the same post.

wmcook32 wrote: According to the moderator staff over on Bethesda.net community forums the console being disabled is currently set as a Feature of the new Survival Mode. It works in other difficulties just not in the new Survival Mode.

Concerning the mods, they also have adamantly stated that mods were NOT disabled. That the majority of the esm and esp mods will not be compatible with the new coding in the 1.5 patch which is what is in beta. I have a thread specifically asking then that if mods aren't disabled then what are we missing to is keeping them from being recognized.

My suspicion is that the GECK will add flags or scripts upon saving/exporting of a new mod.
printerkop wrote: if it keeps being a feature, then we'll have to make a mod that uses the survival mechanics and let you enable them on the very hard mode, cause the console is absolutely neccesary in a Bethesda game. Otherwise they should have used a different engine like Unreal that is far more stable.
Vicalliose wrote:
In response to post #36309660. #36321640, #36327690, #36329130, #36330820, #36336850 are all replies on the same post.

wmcook32 wrote: According to the moderator staff over on Bethesda.net community forums the console being disabled is currently set as a Feature of the new Survival Mode. It works in other difficulties just not in the new Survival Mode.

Concerning the mods, they also have adamantly stated that mods were NOT disabled. That the majority of the esm and esp mods will not be compatible with the new coding in the 1.5 patch which is what is in beta. I have a thread specifically asking then that if mods aren't disabled then what are we missing to is keeping them from being recognized.

My suspicion is that the GECK will add flags or scripts upon saving/exporting of a new mod.
printerkop wrote: if it keeps being a feature, then we'll have to make a mod that uses the survival mechanics and let you enable them on the very hard mode, cause the console is absolutely neccesary in a Bethesda game. Otherwise they should have used a different engine like Unreal that is far more stable.
popcorn71 wrote: It actually depends on how you define "incompatible". If they define it as "any thing that alters the experience" that the statement would be completely accurate.
Also, Bethesda may have added extra data to some of the vanilla forms that may or may not be visible in FO4Edit. This could very easily cause "soft incompatible".
Vicalliose wrote: Pretty much what I meant by saying they may have misworded it.

The scrapping problem (which is the only problem that even seems to be happening right now) for all mods may be something that can just be fixed by opening up the new GECK and re-exporting them. I wouldn't be surprised.
wmcook32 wrote: @Vicalliose

The link you posted for enabling mods in beta is broken.

Towards the other posts:
I imagine once GECK for FO4 comes out then re-enabling the console shouldn't be too difficult.

As I stated before they say mods aren't disabled but haven't given the information on how to get them to load. So a) They are lying about the disabling of mods, or b) we are missing something that is added into the mod files that make them recognizable.
Vicalliose wrote:

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote"><b>wmcook32 wrote: </b> <i>According to the moderator staff over on Bethesda.net community forums the console being disabled is currently set as a Feature of the new Survival Mode. It works in other difficulties just not in the new Survival Mode.

Concerning the mods, they also have adamantly stated that mods were NOT disabled. That the majority of the esm and esp mods will not be compatible with the new coding in the 1.5 patch which is what is in beta. I have a thread specifically asking then that if mods aren't disabled then what are we missing to is keeping them from being recognized.

My suspicion is that the GECK will add flags or scripts upon saving/exporting of a new mod.</i></blockquote>
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote"><b>printerkop wrote: </b> <i>if it keeps being a feature, then we'll have to make a mod that uses the survival mechanics and let you enable them on the very hard mode, cause the console is absolutely neccesary in a Bethesda game. Otherwise they should have used a different engine like Unreal that is far more stable.</i></blockquote>
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote"><b>Vicalliose wrote: </b> <i>It cannot be THAT incompatible because most mods work just fine with the exception of some a bugs related to scrapping. Also you just cannot use a .esm at this time without converting it to an .esp. So saying they are somehow outright incompatible is either a lie or just misworded on their part.

Here's how to enable mods in the beta:
<a data-ipb='nomediaparse' href='http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11479'>http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11479</a>

Here is a mod to just get around the survival mode lock altogether if for some reason you need to use the console, there is also a merged plugin that lets you save at your leisure:
<a data-ipb='nomediaparse' href='http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11663'>http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11663</a></i></blockquote>
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote"><b>popcorn71 wrote: </b> <i>It actually depends on how you define "incompatible". If they define it as "any thing that alters the experience" that the statement would be completely accurate.
Also, Bethesda may have added extra data to some of the vanilla forms that may or may not be visible in FO4Edit. This could very easily cause "soft incompatible".</i></blockquote>
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote"><b>Vicalliose wrote: </b> <i>Pretty much what I meant by saying they may have misworded it.

The scrapping problem (which is the only problem that even seems to be happening right now) for all mods may be something that can just be fixed by opening up the new GECK and re-exporting them. I wouldn't be surprised.</i></blockquote>
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote"><b>wmcook32 wrote: </b> <i>@Vicalliose

The link you posted for enabling mods in beta is broken.

Towards the other posts:
I imagine once GECK for FO4 comes out then re-enabling the console shouldn't be too difficult.

As I stated before they say mods aren't disabled but haven't given the information on how to get them to load. So a) They are lying about the disabling of mods, or b) we are missing something that is added into the mod files that make them recognizable.</i></blockquote>


What browser are you using? In Firefox I can just right click either of my links and open them in a new tab.

Edit: I went ahead and changed them to clickable links, for convenience.

It cannot be THAT incompatible because most mods work just fine with the exception of some a bugs related to scrapping. Also you just cannot use a .esm at this time without converting it to an .esp. So saying they are somehow outright incompatible is either a lie or just misworded on their part.

Here's how to enable mods in the beta:

Here is a mod to just get around the survival mode lock altogether if for some reason you need to use the console, there is also a merged plugin that lets you save at your leisure:

popcorn71 wrote: It actually depends on how you define "incompatible". If they define it as "any thing that alters the experience" that the statement would be completely accurate.
Also, Bethesda may have added extra data to some of the vanilla forms that may or may not be visible in FO4Edit. This could very easily cause "soft incompatible".
Vicalliose wrote: Pretty much what I meant by saying they may have misworded it.

The scrapping problem (which is the only problem that even seems to be happening right now) for all mods may be something that can just be fixed by opening up the new GECK and re-exporting them. I wouldn't be surprised.
wmcook32 wrote: @Vicalliose

The link you posted for enabling mods in beta is broken.

Towards the other posts:
I imagine once GECK for FO4 comes out then re-enabling the console shouldn't be too difficult.

As I stated before they say mods aren't disabled but haven't given the information on how to get them to load. So a) They are lying about the disabling of mods, or b) we are missing something that is added into the mod files that make them recognizable.
Vicalliose wrote:

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote"><b>wmcook32 wrote: </b> <i>According to the moderator staff over on Bethesda.net community forums the console being disabled is currently set as a Feature of the new Survival Mode. It works in other difficulties just not in the new Survival Mode.

Concerning the mods, they also have adamantly stated that mods were NOT disabled. That the majority of the esm and esp mods will not be compatible with the new coding in the 1.5 patch which is what is in beta. I have a thread specifically asking then that if mods aren't disabled then what are we missing to is keeping them from being recognized.

My suspicion is that the GECK will add flags or scripts upon saving/exporting of a new mod.</i></blockquote>
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote"><b>printerkop wrote: </b> <i>if it keeps being a feature, then we'll have to make a mod that uses the survival mechanics and let you enable them on the very hard mode, cause the console is absolutely neccesary in a Bethesda game. Otherwise they should have used a different engine like Unreal that is far more stable.</i></blockquote>
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote"><b>Vicalliose wrote: </b> <i>It cannot be THAT incompatible because most mods work just fine with the exception of some a bugs related to scrapping. Also you just cannot use a .esm at this time without converting it to an .esp. So saying they are somehow outright incompatible is either a lie or just misworded on their part.

Here's how to enable mods in the beta:
<a data-ipb='nomediaparse' href='http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11479'>http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11479</a>

Here is a mod to just get around the survival mode lock altogether if for some reason you need to use the console, there is also a merged plugin that lets you save at your leisure:
<a data-ipb='nomediaparse' href='http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11663'>http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11663</a></i></blockquote>
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote"><b>popcorn71 wrote: </b> <i>It actually depends on how you define "incompatible". If they define it as "any thing that alters the experience" that the statement would be completely accurate.
Also, Bethesda may have added extra data to some of the vanilla forms that may or may not be visible in FO4Edit. This could very easily cause "soft incompatible".</i></blockquote>
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote"><b>Vicalliose wrote: </b> <i>Pretty much what I meant by saying they may have misworded it.

The scrapping problem (which is the only problem that even seems to be happening right now) for all mods may be something that can just be fixed by opening up the new GECK and re-exporting them. I wouldn't be surprised.</i></blockquote>
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote"><b>wmcook32 wrote: </b> <i>@Vicalliose

The link you posted for enabling mods in beta is broken.

Towards the other posts:
I imagine once GECK for FO4 comes out then re-enabling the console shouldn't be too difficult.

As I stated before they say mods aren't disabled but haven't given the information on how to get them to load. So a) They are lying about the disabling of mods, or b) we are missing something that is added into the mod files that make them recognizable.</i></blockquote>


What browser are you using? In Firefox I can just right click either of my links and open them in a new tab.
Edit: I went ahead and changed them to clickable links, for convenience.

The current workaround for enabling mods in the beta uses the HLP command to hotload plugins, except the problem is that it's an experimental command that's been broken ever since it appeared in Skyrim. It causes the scrapping bug even if you only load a blank .esp, and it causes the scrapping bug if you attempt to use the command in 1.4 too instead of loading mods the normal way.

My advice, if you literally cannot play without mods, is to stick with 1.4 until the 1.5 patch leaves beta. Or beta test Survival Mode in a vanilla game and offer feedback and bug reports on the official forums. :P Edited by BOXMAAAN
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In response to post #36264185. #36272420, #36280400, #36281620, #36294745, #36295480, #36307360, #36313620, #36340025, #36344490, #36347635, #36348020, #36368590 are all replies on the same post.

MagnaBob wrote: I have zero interest in survival mode. When it alphas all our systems via Steam, are we going to have disable it somehow or will it be an opt-in type option? (I eagerly await the Wasteland Workshop.)
Eruadur wrote: Seriously....?
ApolloUp wrote: It's a legit question... No need to be prickly, just answer it.
Starke wrote: It's an optional difficulty mode.

That said, I've got no idea if this new mod lockdown is just a function of them trying to keep the beta clean or a sign of things to come.
Eruadur wrote: @ApolloUp

I'm not obligated to answer stupid questions.
popcorn71 wrote: What...? Why are you posting a commenting saying that you won't answer the question? Why not just ignore it and move on? There is no point being nasty about it.
Snowskeeper wrote: Bob, as stated--repeatedly--in the above post, Survival Mode is an optional game-mode, which is currently in beta. If you have not opted into betas via the Properties menu on Steam, you will not have access to Survival Mode at all until it is completed and released. Not sure what the Wasteland Workshop has to do with anything.
Eruadur wrote: @popcorn71

I was simply conmenting on someone who things he can tell me what to say or what to do.
Just like you are doing right now ....

It's called freedom of speech. As long as I don't break any of Nexus' rule I can comment on any post directed at me or answer ( or not ) any question as I see fit.
And there's nothing you can do about it popcorn71.

I suggest you ignore people's posts in here because commenting on other people seems to make you irritable....?
MokChaoticran wrote: This isn't a democratic nation it's a website. Flaunting your "freedom of speech" is useless and saying that you can say something just because it's legally allowed doesn't make it either valid or worthwhile. Your comment was neither, by the way. You're being belligerent.
Eruadur wrote: Like I care ?
jbMnemonic wrote: My "Beta" setting was automatically changed by steam to not opt in for the survival beta. Thanks steam, you saved me a lot of trouble.

I wish anyway that gamebreaking exercises like this is not released as "Betas" as it is not, it is "Alpha" at best.
EbokianKnight wrote: ... Its definitely Beta. An Alpha test is an in-house test, non-public. Beta test means it worked enough that they need to extend their data set. Also you will always default to opt out with steam unless you actively opt in, and you can just opt out if you try it and get tired of it. There's nothing weird about this, and certainly nothing invasive. Bethesda didn't disable mods for everyone, just those in the test, which is reasonable. So there is nothing to support the idea that they're going to "turn off your mods" when the system is actually launched. Relax.
Obituary wrote: What everybody fails to mention is that while it is an optional difficulty mode, you probably will be forced to use Very Hard max if you don't want anything the new Survival difficulty brings.

If you don't want every thing that comes in the survival mode package then just wait for the geck to be released and mod in the features you like. The greatest feature of any (modern) Bethesda games is not the game its self, but the ability to tweak it the way you see fit. Edited by popcorn71
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In response to post #36264185. #36272420, #36280400, #36281620, #36294745, #36295480, #36307360, #36313620, #36340025, #36344490, #36347635, #36348020, #36368590, #36372830 are all replies on the same post.

MagnaBob wrote: I have zero interest in survival mode. When it alphas all our systems via Steam, are we going to have disable it somehow or will it be an opt-in type option? (I eagerly await the Wasteland Workshop.)
Eruadur wrote: Seriously....?
ApolloUp wrote: It's a legit question... No need to be prickly, just answer it.
Starke wrote: It's an optional difficulty mode.

That said, I've got no idea if this new mod lockdown is just a function of them trying to keep the beta clean or a sign of things to come.
Eruadur wrote: @ApolloUp

I'm not obligated to answer stupid questions.
popcorn71 wrote: What...? Why are you posting a commenting saying that you won't answer the question? Why not just ignore it and move on? There is no point being nasty about it.
Snowskeeper wrote: Bob, as stated--repeatedly--in the above post, Survival Mode is an optional game-mode, which is currently in beta. If you have not opted into betas via the Properties menu on Steam, you will not have access to Survival Mode at all until it is completed and released. Not sure what the Wasteland Workshop has to do with anything.
Eruadur wrote: @popcorn71

I was simply conmenting on someone who things he can tell me what to say or what to do.
Just like you are doing right now ....

It's called freedom of speech. As long as I don't break any of Nexus' rule I can comment on any post directed at me or answer ( or not ) any question as I see fit.
And there's nothing you can do about it popcorn71.

I suggest you ignore people's posts in here because commenting on other people seems to make you irritable....?
MokChaoticran wrote: This isn't a democratic nation it's a website. Flaunting your "freedom of speech" is useless and saying that you can say something just because it's legally allowed doesn't make it either valid or worthwhile. Your comment was neither, by the way. You're being belligerent.
Eruadur wrote: Like I care ?
jbMnemonic wrote: My "Beta" setting was automatically changed by steam to not opt in for the survival beta. Thanks steam, you saved me a lot of trouble.

I wish anyway that gamebreaking exercises like this is not released as "Betas" as it is not, it is "Alpha" at best.
EbokianKnight wrote: ... Its definitely Beta. An Alpha test is an in-house test, non-public. Beta test means it worked enough that they need to extend their data set. Also you will always default to opt out with steam unless you actively opt in, and you can just opt out if you try it and get tired of it. There's nothing weird about this, and certainly nothing invasive. Bethesda didn't disable mods for everyone, just those in the test, which is reasonable. So there is nothing to support the idea that they're going to "turn off your mods" when the system is actually launched. Relax.
Obituary wrote: What everybody fails to mention is that while it is an optional difficulty mode, you probably will be forced to use Very Hard max if you don't want anything the new Survival difficulty brings.
popcorn71 wrote: If you don't want every thing that comes in the survival mode package then just wait for the geck to be released and mod in the features you like. The greatest feature of any (modern) Bethesda games is not the game its self, but the ability to tweak it the way you see fit.

Yeah, I believe the question was more like, "Do you have to use the new Survival Mode versus the old Survival Mode, or are you forced to use the new Survival Mode, period?".

I am also interested in the answer to this.

Also, Eruadur, it's not a "stupid question", if you can understand the English language.
You also appear quite child-like, with your "Like I care?", and "I say what I want" nonsense.

I literally haven't heard, or seen, the phrase, "Like I care?", since I was probably.. 14 or so.
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