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Prey 2


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Prey 2 is being published by Bethesda, and developed by Human Head. It's looking really interesting. It's an open world game on an alien world, where you play a bounty hunter. Hunt down people, get money, upgrade your equipment, etc. And it has Mirror's Edge-like parkour elements.


It's also single player only, so they can focus on making that really good. :)


CGI Trailer


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Looks really good, hopefully its a pc to console game not the other way around, looks promising though.

I hope it comes to the psvitahttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif


Yup pre ordered.:whistling:

Edited by Thor.
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  • 4 weeks later...
I am interested because it is a sequel to a game i love :dance: , dont like the idea of thowing in the other stuff and espially parkour stuff :wallbash: , reminds me too much of a game that tried these and failed :facepalm:
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