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Editing Level Lists (FO4 mod newbie)


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Ok, I really feel silly asking this, but has anyone set up a starters guide to editing mods? I just want to edit and tweak level lists and weapon settings for my game - So that all the fun weapons show up in the open world balanced with what's already there.


I knew how to do it with the GECK, but I have no idea how to use (or even WHICH one to use) any of the programs you all are using.


Thanks all!

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It can be done in FO4Edit, once you get used to navigating the records. You can look up a NPC on Nukapedia to get the formID if you can't find it from browsing the records. The NPC entry will list associated leveled lists as you scroll down.


In more complicated entries, you may have to Ctrl-click deeper into attached records, or Build Reference Info if you are searching more thoroughly.


I guess this was unanswered because it would be easier to address specific issues as you navigate the software. Try it out and lmk if you get stuck.

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Check out the video above, or you can download a mod that does it and load it in to FO4Edit and learn what they did and where they put stuff for example. You are looking for some kinda mod that makes everything unleveled, I believe there is a few on the Nexus, and then if you are looking for like Raiders with... idk, Cryolators or something crazy, you can check out other mods that add or remove items from LLs as well.

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  • 1 year later...

God, I've come to hate video tutorials for this stuff.


Back before we had these fancy modern YouTube video tutorial thingies, we oldtimers had to settle for marching uphill through the snow, fighting back the wolves with sharp sticks, just to get to the next town for market day, harvest festivals and public stonings.


We also learned from the xEdit Training Manual: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/38413/?


Yes, that's for New Vegas, but xEdit is still basically the same tool. It'll still get you where you're going.

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