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About jc9542

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  1. Just delete the quest instead of the script. I use merged esps for weapons, armor/clothes, and workshop items. I generally just delete the injector quests before merging because I prefer to retain control over where in the leveled items lists things go.
  2. Thanks so much that was it. I was tearing through all of my settlement mods trying to find this. I figured I could find it as a reference from Bloodpack or Radaway but the EID for the Better Stores reference was so generic I completely overlooked it.
  3. Ahah thanks man. I'll check it out when I get off work, but that sounds really familiar.
  4. Leveled item lists aren't too bad to start out with. There's some subtle stuff to it that can make it complicated, but the basics are pretty easy. What are you trying to do?
  5. On a previous playthrough, I had a construction/settlement mod that added in IV stands with hanging blood bags or radaway. I seem to have removed it from my load order or maybe deleted them out of the esp somehow. Does anyone know what mod that might be by any chance? Thanks.
  6. In response to post #45876510. #45887025, #45890150, #45908310, #45909460 are all replies on the same post. 7 is normally not flex for consumers or small businesses.
  7. Running into a similar issue with Piper, I'm thinking about starting a new game and using face ripper on Piper. Then export it out and import it back in. Hopefully it won't require an esp.
  8. There's a mod that fakes an offhand/akmibo weapon by turning it into a piece of armor and attaching it to the left hand. Might be able to tinker with that, but my guess is the hand hold is going to look a bit awkward.
  9. Too true, I work in IT and it's amazing how often people don't read the manuals or even the readme or the quickstart guide (what do you mean this won't work if I don't have dotNet 4.5 or SQL Express or MS VC++2010 etc). I console gamed for awhile and I think part of the problem is console games these days have an annoying tendency to not even come with a manual. They skip that whole deal send people to a tutorial.
  10. The reason they are being driven to this is annoying as all get out. It's something Beth and Zenimax could fix with some IP lookup, Steam account linkage, and forum/download/upload privilege revoking. I used to hate how some mod sites were member only and you had to jump through hoops to be able to download, but now I'm starting to be more sympathetic.
  11. Cool idea. Unless it's limited to 1st Person only, I think the limited animations are going to be an issue. I don't remember, but I don't think Piper or any other NPCs actually hold a camera in any cut scenes do they?
  12. This was helpful for me to visualize the original SK menu structure. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ydVOcJy_SUR41vyfucY-FX2j9kFWmIGIkT2UAKowyn8/edit
  13. Elianora had a mod pack that added some, but it looks like she might have recently hid most of her content. You can try this one as well http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9324/?
  14. Still it sucks, that was probably one of the most popular outift/armor mods on here
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