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Newegg Preferred Account

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so i noticed i could upgrade to the Newegg Preferred Account, no extra cost or anything, and buy my computer but be able to pay 12 months later, which would be epic in my situation.


anyone used this feature or had any experience with this or anything?


EDIT: nvm. i got an email saying i cant do this because i have no credit...not bad credit, simply no credit :P ahhh well i got my hopes up for nothing :'(

Edited by hoofhearted4
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Credit is so stupid man. Completely ruined our economy due to a bunch of teens getting them and racking up huge debts they (or more correctly their families) can't pay. It's a catch 22, you can't get credit unless you already have credit.
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Credit is so stupid man. Completely ruined our economy due to a bunch of teens getting them and racking up huge debts they (or more correctly their families) can't pay. It's a catch 22, you can't get credit unless you already have credit.





I refuse to own a credit card simply because I know it would turn me into a financially irresponsible idiot.


For online purchases and such, I simply get one of those disposable Green Dot cards. Yeah, go ahead and steal that identity...



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well i have a debit card. its usefull for online purchases. i hardly ever use it in person. lol i use it soo little that i always have to ask questions when i use it. "ok now what do i click" "how do i do credit" (i never remember my pin lol) but when i do know my pin it is helpful like to get money from an ATM if i need it, or to get gas if i have no money (dont need a pin for that)


but yea. i dont have any credit cause i never use it for things u get credit for or whatever. really sucks. i really thought id be able to build my PC still, be able to pay it off next summer....ugh.


in other news, my raise kicked in. now maybe $12 an hour (thats good for me lol) so there is still a possibility i might be able to get this PC. my car situation is looking like its gunna be approx. $1300 or so. idk. wish it was less, we will see at the end of august how much money i have saved up. need to have enough for college and whatnot since i dont work in the winter.


lol i gotta find that website that lets you put a thing up to accept donations, it goes straight to PayPal lol. put it up on some website and see what happens, but idr what its called :P

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Credit is so stupid man. Completely ruined our economy due to a bunch of teens getting them and racking up huge debts they (or more correctly their families) can't pay. It's a catch 22, you can't get credit unless you already have credit.

It wasn't the people taking the loans, it was the companies that gave them/rated them safe. Then other companies insured on them, then when they defaulted.... ehh, nevermind.

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it was the housing market! ppl bought houses, banks gave out loans to ppl who couldnt pay them off. tons of houses were built, and loans given out for ppl to buy them, then no one could then BAM, eveyone is f***ed!


see a credit card wouldnt work for me cause you gotta pay monthly payments. the thing that made this so appealing is i could be broke throughout winter (which i would be) and it wouldnt matter as long as i had money in the summer, which i always do, been working the same summer job for 4 years now.

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