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Internet Play - is it possible?


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Let's face it - it is the one BIG thing missing in Morrowind, although I fully understand Bethseda's reasons for not going down this road (there have been too many disappointments with other games).


The problem doesn't seem to be the software or hardware - it's human nature that is the problem. BUT what a game this would be if we were all plugged in online playing out our characters. That would solve the AI questions forever.


I admit that I am not a great coder. But - with existing tools - would it be possible for MW users to create their own Internet play?


Any ideas you guys?



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No. Not possible in any way without a complete rewrite of the engine. Which can't be done legally, and even if you could, you'd almost be better off starting from the beginning instead of trying to salvage some tiny parts of Morrowind. And since this has been discussed to death a million times, thread locked.
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