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What is your biggest Fallout 3 Confession?


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  • 2 months later...

One my confessions is I keep Mutilated Body Parts and Human Flesh in my refrigerator mostly because nobody in the game will buy them, "I have a Super Mutant Fetish I enjoy killing them especially the Behemoths" Whenever I play I avoid the Chop Shop till I max out my character's Stats in hopes I can get the Doc there to take the parts from me but he won't.


He does say that the Ghouls have need of them but I have never figured out if he is joking or if he really wants the Mutilated Parts.


Another confession I have is I've never beaten the game, Although I have followed the main Quest once, I didn't like the result my dad was killed and I ended up at the cathedral so I reloaded a much early save from before I went into the simulation to save dad, and have never return to save him since I mostly do side quest and the DLC quest and have not ever ran out of them plus I have New Vegas with all DLC's too.


Originally I first bought Fallout 3 "Game The Year Edition" before that I had last played a FPS game when Duke Nukem 3d was the one game I played and I couldn't stand most other FPS games. Especially not new age ones like Call Of Duty. Fallout 3 though was made for us the Die Hard Duke Nukem Fan Boy Types and is why FO3 has bathrooms and fire hydrants. I mostly Played Hack and slash games like Diablo, Hellfire, D2 LOD, Sacred, Sacred 2, etc, when I first played fallout 3 and realized it included elements of Hack and Slash as well as RPG elements. I loved it. There is no going back to any other games for me.


Another confession is that when I first got the game, I actually didn't play it til almost a full year later because I was burnt by so many FPS games I don't really think it was a game I would like but my brother who played Far Cry gave it a shot and eventually I noticed what the game was like and bought another copy so I too could play the game.


right now I'm playing TTW so I can enjoy the best of both games at the same time, until they finish Fallout 4 what I consider finished is when they complete all the DLC's that go along with the game like for FO3 Game The Year Edition and NV Ultimate Edition, so for me it isn't finished yet. And the longer you wait the less chance of so many bugs although they don't catch everything.


Also I've never used Power Armor I just collect it for Trading and I hate even getting the perk so much that I remove it from my character. However I've seen what they have done for Fallout 4 and if I was playing it I would never get out the Power Armor who would. in FO3, NV, it is just so pointless and of no real use.

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A recent confession I made Mister Lopez Essential, Figured he could jump off to kill him self all he wont's and find out he can't actually die. lol


I got tried of him dying and people gripping about it, no suicides on my watch.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I used the FNNQC (or was it -CQ?) slavery mod to make Paladin Vargas into a Pitt-rags wearing slave because... Well, because I don't like him and I don't like the Brotherhood either. There, I said it. I've actually never finished the game in favour of them. The way I see it, after killing off the Enclave there's still another faction of self-righteous technophile opressors left in the Capital Wasteland, so I nuked their asses to give TRUE freedom to the people.


...also, because Vargas is essential, I had fun turning him into a personal punching bag and shooting at him for no reason. And when his voice annoyed me, I went into the GECK and gave him the headscar from Point Lookout and a really bruised face, then took away his voice type to roleplay that I somehow muted and lobotomized him. Now he can be my favourite pet forever and ever and ever :wub:

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  • 3 months later...

Here's a few I can think of:

  • I helped Roy and his buddies get into Tenpenny Tower. Then killed the three ghouls.
  • Have a thing for Tammy Hargrave at Rivet City, even though she's really nasty.
  • Collect Lunch Boxes, Metro Tickets, & Pencils
  • Drink Nuka-cola right away for the cap.
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