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WTF is smodex.club?


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I ask because it looks and smells like Nexus Mods, Skyrim Nexus in Fact, all of it



but I've never heard of any Nexus Mirrors


Makes me wonder if my old password would work, eg fishing site to get into the stolen user data.

It was a link in DuckDuckGo so a normal search, not a planted diversion link.


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It's a phishing site. Don't ever log in over there or download anything from there. At one point, not that long ago, Dark0ne had it set up so that every image they stole from here would display that fact but seems they've gotten around that already.

Edited by Oubliette
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No intention of logging on, I picked up on it because, I know they can't fake the address and always check the page.

I was wondering if these are the ones behind the hack a while back, as I've never seen a normal search link that took me anywhere, but here.

My main reason for posting was to alert the Nexus, but it's a known site, so that's not needed.


They don't show the vids at all, and side by side other clues can be seen, mod pages have 99999# instead of 99999/? as the page code.

Further questions occur to me

Should be a Sticky or Front page post about it,

Are any more fake site names known?

Does Nexus use anything other than nexusmods.com?

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A lot of these sites have popped up in the past. Eventhough the majority of people see right thru it, there's gonna be a percentage that will actually log in to that site and fall for it. Not to undermine these people, but statistically, it's what usually happens with all phishing schemes. A percentage of us will click on that link a Nigerian prince sent us.

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