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Your Character, and How You Came to Be in the Land of Skyrim.


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There are many posts in this forum asking people for names or stories relating to their character and Skyrim. I thought I'd create one to cover all the aspects in a nice and easy-to-read format for all to enjoy. My back-story runs right up until my character is being led to his execution in Skyrim - which is where the game will actually start.


- Name: Athilien


- Race: Wood Elf


- Looks: Golden blonde windswept hair, green eyes, youthful looks, short in stature but lean in structure.


- Style: Dual-wielding daggers to pounce from the shadows. Also dual-wields short swords when caught out in the open and has a keen eye as a marksman.


- Story: Athilien is a direct descendant to the Champion of Cyrodiil, though he does not know this, as his father left his mother for distant land before he was born, and his mother died during child birth. He was born in the Imperial City, and was raised in the building in which he was born - The Merchant's Inn, in the Trade District of the capital. The elderly couple that raised him were the owners of the Inn, and he has fond memories of the place. He spent his childhood roaming the city streets, scaling walls, reading books, sometimes pinching apples and (when he was caught, which wasn't often) being chased by the guards. Athilien developed a good relationship with the beggars of the city, who were a decent source of information. As he grew up, he much became the opportunist, using shadow as a veil to steal items for coin, whilst distributing much of his wealth to the beggars whom he had become friends with. Most within the city walls held Athilien in kind regard (though most did not know of his shadowy antics, for whom they blamed the illusive 'Shadow Hawk'...) and were surprised at his sudden disappearance, just a short time after his last guardian at The Merchant's Inn had passed away.


Athilien had left to travel North, as the last people he considered family had left for another realm, and he no longer felt any connection to the city. With the Empire in constant turmoil, Athilien wanted to get away, so he travelled North to Bruma, hoping to scale the Pale Pass into Skyrim. At Bruma, he stopped for the night, as he was exhausted and the cold was chilling him to the bone. He had left the imperial city with nought more than the clothes that wrapped him and a dagger made of fine steel. His stomach rumbled. He hadn't eaten for a long time. Athilien went to the Inn, and attempted to slide some bread from the counter, neath his cloak. However, in his tiredness he had become clumsy and the innkeeper spotted his actions and let out an almighty yell, alerting the guards. Athilien fled from the city, making for Pale Pass with the guards hot in his tracks. After a while he thought he had lost them, so slowed down to eat whatever bread had lasted the sprint. As he sat in the shrubbery by the roadside, he ducked neath a bush as he heard hooves, and thus two guards galloped past towards the border.


He needed to move. The cold was taking him. Athilien raised the strength to stand, and left for the border, no longer trusting the road, but walking closely by its side instead. Further on, when he was sure he had made it into Skyrim and twilight was on the horizon, he stopped to finish the last of his rations.


Before the bread could reach his mouth, a hood veiled his vision. Pain shot through the back of his head, and darkness took him. He had been captured.


I mean, he could have just asked for the bread. Idiot.

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As for me, I don't have a background for my character. Neither do I have a name. I have yet to use the same name twice...the creativity will flow the day I start the game. But in all seriousness, well written background story ya got there.
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Well my character in oblivion is myself.The story starts in oblivion when I mysteriously wake at elsweyr shore line wondering what happened, then during mages guild quests I became a vampire and so in skyrim my character will be me again but starting as a vampire in search for dwemer ruins to try and find out if they had some sort of realm travel machine.As for being cought well I was cought for being a vampire but since I helped martin shutting down the oblivion gates martin ended up knowing my true nature.Martin wrote in his diary before he died about me being a vampire and also how he felt some sort of energy related to his dragonborn energy, but was still weak.Since all dragonborns were killed the blade that is suppose to save me from the execution knows about the diary and knows that there is a vampire dragonborn and that I am the only hope to stop the dragons, so he finds me because he had help from his contacts to track me, then I go to the grey beards to learn the shouts and awake my dragonborn energy.And that how my story in skyrim will start. Edited by scot
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Durz gra-Morg

Orcish War Lord (Spellsword-Sorcerer)


I came from the deep mountain regions of Skyrim, exiled from my tribe for ignoring the warnings of the tribe shaman. I went to the cave of the great beast that had begun to terrorize my people, confident in my prowess and skill. I failed. The beast was terrible as it was ferocious. It spewed great red flames at myself and my guard. I managed to flee with my life, but the beast was enraged. It followed me and set fire to my village. The flames burned for 7 days and nights. I listened to the screams of my comrades and family all through it. The shaman's spirit had lingered and cursed me, taking away all that had made me a great warrior, but left me with my guilt. He cursed me to carry the burden of my folly til the end of my days.


I became a wandering beserker, living off the land and attacking anyone and anything in hopes of ending my life. It was in vain, for I bore the mark of the lord. I always healed after my encounters. Eventually, the guards of the nearby city captured me and chained me in their dungeon. I had killed one too many people and the citizens called for my blood.


I now walk towards my death, unaware of the great destiny I will walk, forever wishing for death...

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Went to Skyrim because I already destroyed Cyrodiil and turned it into a place more depressing than the Capitol Wasteland.


Rofl. Or is that just funny because my mind is bad at 4AM?


Anyways, I guess I'll do my usual 1 male 1 female incase there's funny gender comments.


Name: Holland Oates

Race: Human

Looks: Medium-Long Black hair, olive skin, tall.

Style: Doggy, Missionary, any other that exists in the realm of nature without requiring Russian Gymnast flexibility.

Story: Holland Oates has time warped himself Rocky Horror style from 2281 Post-Apocalyptia to some unknown time-world with colorful trees and strange creatures called a Hoarse(?) and non-Crimson...Dragoons? Holland is a "Man-Eater", is "Out of Touch" from society, and can "Make Dreams Come True"... So a cannibalistic outcast renegade Mage?


As for the female, she'll be named Anusha (I'm bound to lend it to her after I'm done, like usual). And well, she can decide for herself (last time it was a wood elf...a tanned arabic wood elf). I'm tired at 4:30, I'm not giving her a background story. If she wants a background story, she can create her own **** account and post it.


EDIT: Holland needs a boomstick too.

Edited by TheMightyLordSheogorath
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Name: Thoth (Working title)


Race: Nord


Looks: Aged, with a long flowing white beard. He has one blind eye.


Style: Dual-wielded lightning/ Shield in one hand, lightning in the other.


Story: Thoth was tossed in jail and scheduled for execution for testing unorthodox magic which resulted in the deaths of several other mages. Being saved from death at the last moment, he decided to save Skyrim from the dragon threat and join the Mage's guild (How will he rule a mage's guild that's been burned to the ground?). Under his rule, he would slowly turn the guild into his own vision.

Edited by InuyashaFE
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Well, my character, hmm. Lemme think. A powerfull demon lord from another dimension called Legion Zorn. Through the black arts he decided to take over Skyrim, but to do so had to be born into a mortal body. So now he goes from town to townEdit by staff: Please do not troll these forums. It will get you banned. Time to wreak some havoc, haw-haw-haw.
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