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Favorite movies?


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Hey everyone!

I'll be spending 15 hours on a plane soon (plus 15 hours coming back, so 30 in all) and I was looking for some movies to watch. Do any of you guys have any suggestions? What are some of your favorite movies?I think I have like six hours of video already and I'm hoping to get around twenty hours just to be safe.


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Are you looking at newer or older movies?


If older, the first one that popped up in my mind was Total Recall. While I don't really have a favorite movie, Total Recall is one that comes pretty close.

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Any movies really... I like funny movies and action movies a lot, I'm not too into boring movies :P.

I'll look at Total Recall, I've never heard of it.

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District 13 is a great action movie. :)


Yeah, that movie was really great. I think they only spent like 13,000 dollars making the movie, which is pretty insane because I thought the special effects were quite good.

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