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looking for mod no loading area


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ive searched. and searched. and searched for it but cant find it if its on this site can some 1 give me the id of it?



Do you mean a mod for a streaming world with no seperate spaces? If so, this would be virtually impossible for the following reasons


1. You would need a freakin super computer to power it. Normal computers dont have NEARLY enough memory to power all that space.


2. It would mess up almost every npc's AI, since cell names would be gone, and they would not have a place to use as a reference.


If this isnt what you meant, sorry!! :P

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You would need close to 8 gigs of ram. And a super processor. Loading screens arn't there to tick you off, they have a legitimate reason. If you do Upgrade to something like 1-2 gigabytes of ram, loading screen times are reduced by about 75%. I upgraded from 512 to 1 gig and I don't see the first loading screen anymore.
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