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I'm back


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After Being banned in Mid July, I've been try and trying to come back here for months. My Month ban should have been over by now, but my IP still remains on the Ban list. All my request to have this fixed have been ignored. Well, i'm at my friends computer, and I'm finaly back. The Offense was foul language against an admin [cough]"Daerk"[/cough]. Oh well, I'm hoping to get this problem lined out, and hoping to get more involved again. I dont think that Dark0ne checks his e-mail everyday as he said he did.
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Er did he say specifically it was a one month ban? I thought once you were banned it was permanent. :huh: And I'm pretty sure you were banned later than mid-July...
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Member Suspension: Result

curiosity101_2 is suspended until... Apr 20 2031, 06:13 PM 
Email Sent Account Suspension Notification

Your member account at Morrowind Source Forums has been PERMANENTLY suspended. The prior suspension for your original username was incorrectly dated. We apologize for the misinformation. 

Your account will not be functional until Apr 20 2031, 06:13 PM (depending on your timezone). This is an automated process and you do not need to do anything to expediate the unsuspension process. 

Board Address: http://mwsource.com/forum/index.php


-- D

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