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I can't install the game anymore????????????

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I was using Vista a few days ago. I upgraded to windows 7, and had to reinstall everything. Until I got to the witcher 2. It won't install. It keeps getting to the point where it says "installing redistributables" on the installshield wizard screen, and then it just freezes. Nothing happens. Nothing I've tried helps either. This is so aggravating, because before I "upgraded" my OS, this game worked absolutely fine. Now I can't even play it!!!


If anyone can help, please do. Thanks in advance.

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It may not be the problem, but...


Generally, it is recommended with Windows 7 to install games to a different place - C:\Games\The Witcher 2 would be a good choice. That way you avoid any problems with the UAC (User Account Control)

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It may not be the problem, but...


Generally, it is recommended with Windows 7 to install games to a different place - C:\Games\The Witcher 2 would be a good choice. That way you avoid any problems with the UAC (User Account Control)


Thank you Mark. I'm giving it a try as I type this. *crossing fingers*


I've tired contacting customer support, and their ideas haven't worked. Well, ideA. They told me to "update" windows. Which I've done. Again and again and again. It seems there are no end to updates for 7 at this point. Just when I think I've installed them all, two new ones pop up. It's aggravating to say the least. And in the mean time, the Witcher 2 just refuses to install itself. UGH!

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It may not be the problem, but...


Generally, it is recommended with Windows 7 to install games to a different place - C:\Games\The Witcher 2 would be a good choice. That way you avoid any problems with the UAC (User Account Control)


Thank you Mark. I'm giving it a try as I type this. *crossing fingers*


I've tired contacting customer support, and their ideas haven't worked. Well, ideA. They told me to "update" windows. Which I've done. Again and again and again. It seems there are no end to updates for 7 at this point. Just when I think I've installed them all, two new ones pop up. It's aggravating to say the least. And in the mean time, the Witcher 2 just refuses to install itself. UGH!


As a general rule Microsoft releases updates the 2nd Tuesday of every month...not always but most often .


If you are sure that you have the latest VC update ie 2010 then you shouldn`t need the updates from the disc . Not entirely sure this will work as i haven`t tried it but when it goes to install the VC Redistributables from the disc try canceling the update .

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm experiencing the same exact problem. The weird thing is, I installed the game a few weeks ago (on Windows 7) and it worked fine, but I had to uninstall it because I was having some driver problems. I just got that fixed recently and now that I'm trying to reinstall it, I'm running into the same "installing redistributables" brick wall that you are. I'm copying the discs onto my external hard drive (which is taking 40+ minutes; should it take that long?) and I'm hoping that running the setup from there will fix the problem.
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  • 2 months later...

Hello there!


Just dropping by to say I'm having the same issue with The Witcher 2.


I've tried it installing it using the hidden admin account, installing it on a different directory, and removing the distributables I had already installed.


Any idea? Anyone with this issue found a solution?



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The only other thing I can think of is there might be still be hard-to-find leftover folder/files and items left in your registry.


I normally run a windows cleaner and then a registry cleaner after removing any software to avoid any left over garbage that might create future conflicts.

I like the free versions of Piriforms CCleaner and ASUlogics registry cleaner:




As always, use caution whenever using cleaners and always create a restore point for your system before using any registry cleaner.



You would need to uninstall Witcher 2, run the cleaners, reboot, then installl the game fresh (as admistrater).

Make sure to disable any anti virus software before re-installing the game.

Edited by LenSquig
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