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Dead bodies lying out straight bug

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So for a while I've noticed the already dead NPC's in oblivion (e.g. the dead captives in memorial cave) and it has been annoying me that their bodies are just lying there completely straight as it looks weird.

I don't know if it's a mod I have or perhaps a modified skeleton that causes the problem, the skeleton I use is this http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/40739/? and to show an example of what it looks like, here is a screenshot http://i1.imgrr.com/y5/3656_Wierdstraightdeadbodyglitch.png as you can see the dead breton captive has some of his body clipping through the ground and his legs are sticking in the air, when normally he should be in this position http://www.uesp.net/w/images/5/50/OB-npc-Dead_Captive_2.jpg

If anyone knows what kind of problem can occur this and possibly knows a fix, then please let me know because it looks dodgy just seeing dead bodies lying down with their body laying down weirdly straight.

And in case if you need to know what mods I have, then here is an image of not only all the mods I have, but the load order. http://i1.imgrr.com/y5/8552_oblivionloadorder.png

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Sometimes mods will include their own skeleton.nif replacement, which will then overwrite the one you wanted to use if you install the offending mod after your skeleton replacer (a quick look at your load order actors_in_charge.esp jumps out at me). I use the same killermonkey99 skeleton.nif ... if it got overwritten by another skeleton you wouldn't see ragdolling breasts on nude dead bandits etc (well providing you're also using a BBBed female body mesh replacer).


I've never noticed the dead NPCs laying like your screenshot, but I'll pay more attention now when I run across one to see if they're laying there like boards or not.

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Sometimes mods will include their own skeleton.nif replacement, which will then overwrite the one you wanted to use if you install the offending mod after your skeleton replacer (a quick look at your load order actors_in_charge.esp jumps out at me). I use the same killermonkey99 skeleton.nif ... if it got overwritten by another skeleton you wouldn't see ragdolling breasts on nude dead bandits etc (well providing you're also using a BBBed female body mesh replacer).


I've never noticed the dead NPCs laying like your screenshot, but I'll pay more attention now when I run across one to see if they're laying there like boards or not.

I've actually just deleted the skeletons in my files and went into the game and found out that it is in fact the skeletons that are causing the bodies to lay out that way, because the bodies are lying how they should usually without it on.

Cause of the problem has been found.

From here on out I'm going to stick with this skeleton as it seems best and the bodies seemed to lay out normal with it http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/27945/?

Edited by Killerband4256
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I do know that some things got introduced with the later versions of Growlf's skeleton.nif (i.e. Universal Skeleton Nif and any skeleton.nif derived from those later versions like the killermonkey99 one). I use Elz - No Floating Weapon to overcome the floating weapon problem (and it works with only a very few rare exceptions) and have found that since I started using Realistic Fatigue and Basic Physical Activities (with both INIs tweaked for compatibility and to work the way I prefer) the flying bodies on death problem is eliminated for all but the most extreme sudden deaths.


Like I said, now I'll be looking for how those dead bodies are lying when I run across the next one.

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