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Having trouble making run speed mod that affects companions


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I read somewhere that the command "player.addperk perk 1" would let your companions "share" that perk. They won't actually have it, but they will benefit from it. I am trying to write a mod based around that - I want to increase player run speed with a perk and have my companions benefit from that same perk. So far I have inserted a safe with a magazine in it into the game, when you open the safe a script is triggered to give you the perk, and when you pick up the magazine your companions are supposed to get the benefits.

The run speed works fine for my PC, but only after I read the magazine. The companion, however, is still slow.


Does anyone know if this command even works? If not, what other method could I use for this? I don't want to have items equipped all the time, and it would be nice if new companions got the effect when they joined. I'm just starting out with Fallout modding, I'd like to learn as much as possible.



Oh, and here are the two scripts the mod is using


Attached to safe


scn RunSpeedPerk1
Begin OnOpen
	Player.Addperk runspeed
	ShowMessage runspeedmsg2


Attached to Magazine


scn RunSpeedPerk
Begin OnAdd
player.addperk runspeed 1
ShowMessage runspeedmsg





Nevermind, found the problem. I was using the perk on Willow, and at the time she was not technically my companion yet.

Edited by osterac
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