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Old Dogs and New Tricks


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Hey all-

My PC gaming experience is as follows: About 10 years ago I had a free, trial, demo of Duke Nukem. I lost it.

Sometime after that I started playing around with Runescape here and there. I spent some time RPing on World of Darkness MUSHes. (Anyone remember those? All text based games) I was not what one would call a gamer. I was what one would call a grumpy, old fart.

Then last year, out of curiousity and a long ,boring winter I bought a copy of Sims 3 just to see what all the hype was about. I had fun building different houses and rearranging the towns but was never interested in the actual 'game' aspect of it.

And so, I went back to my local Wal-Mart (40 miles one way) There amongst the small ,dust covered selection of PC games (It's not even a Super Wal-Mart) was a copy of something called Fallout 3: Game of the year edition, with a big orange SALE sticker on it.. I had never heard of such a thing. I read the back. I said "Well, why not?"

I went back to the Ug cave and proceeded to plug this new game into my squirrel powered PC.

I was mesmerized. The graphics were amazing. The story line was cool. I had never seen such a thing. I spent most of my time just wandering the wasteland to view the scenery. (I still do this but now I have a Brahmin and justify wandering aimlessly as being a Caravan Trader)

After awhile I started saying "Well, this game is cool but it would be cooler if......well, Dogmeat was all black.......and if there was a big Saturn in the sky......and if I could own a cow....and if I could see her......er.....weapons."

So I ingeniously googled 'Fallout 3'. "Wow. Lookit'. A nexus. And these things called mods. What could these strange things be?"

Being an over zealous noob (Who knows everything 'cuz I'm an old fart) I grabbed a few of these mods, tried to cram them into my game then cursed the world and all its new age technology as I reinstalled my copy of Fallout 3 : Game of the year edition with the big orange SALE sticker on it.

So then I tried a new approach. I went back and READ things. I read everything. I read it twice and then I read it again. I read the small print. I read the large print. I learned a few things. I learned that FOMM, FOSE and FOedit are my FOriends. Without them I can get FOcked up easily. I learned that a nif is NOT a type of ground squirrel as previously thought.

I learned about the history of mods, of this nexus, of other games that six months prior I didn't even know existed. (Yes, I live in a cave. I don't have TV, have never seen American Idol, don't have a facebook account, not sure what twitter is, don't have an ipad, ipod or mp3 player and for a long time computer translated into: Expensive paperweight.)

And so here I am. A big thank you to all for making this community what it is. To the creators, to the staff, to the players and to the modders who all do some AMAZING work.

Thanks be to all for teaching this old dog some new tricks.

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Greetings! Here, have some SPAM:


http://www.bruceongames.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/Spam-a-tin-of.jpg :D


Welcome to the family. I'm sure you'll fit right in. :yes:




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Wow! Greetings and welcome!


Had a good laugh at the entire little "story"of how you got into playing FO3 btw. :thumbsup:


A big Saturn in the sky eh? I guess you already know about humannature's great mods then :)

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