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Revive Spouse as Synth/ Or through keeping the brain on ice to put in a synth body. + New Endings


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Using the voice files in the game I kind of want to make your husband/wife a fully fledged companion revivable at the institute, or the memory lounge via Nate/Nora's synth body recovered from the institute during it's destruction.


She/he could believe that synthetic shaun is her/his son, a charade that you maintain as she never gets to see the inside of the institute nor her real son. OR she will side with the institute above all else to protect her son and confront you using apposing dialogues.

She/he would be equally sarcastic and badass as you.



New Extra Good ending:

The institute does not destroy the railroad, and drives out the brotherhood with guerilla tactics, following a bloody battle (where you have to defeat liberty prime and defend the institute, whom without the berrylium agitator has a weakspot in that it needs to be powered by something else), forcing them to withdraw. Danse's quest triggers earlier and you are able to preserve his life and the lives of the people on the prydwin, or destroy it and hurt the brotherhood so badly it won't return for a long time.

By stepping up as director, you are able to re-evaluating the institute policy on synths. (seems kind of stupid that they would create artificial humans with feelings and then suppress those feelings and make them slaves to me. Also feels kind of stupid that they stir the sh*t pot on the surface with wreckless disregard for their own image.) They simply remove the reason for there to be a Railroad as any synth is free to make decisions or leave, (though many wish to stay) and no gen 3 synths are used for slave labour. Whatsmore you share institute technology with the surface and revolutionize agriculture, power, and robotics and create strong ties with the minutemen, no longer being known as sinister boogiemen.(Though the hurt is still there which is why institute interference is kept to a minimum)


Prolonging your own life by replacing your body with a synth body will also be an option. Will give you some buffs. (and immortality)

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There was a quest cut from the game where you would have to face your dead spouse who had been made into a synth. For unknown reasons it was cut and it's currently unknown how complete the quest was.
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There was a quest cut from the game where you would have to face your dead spouse who had been made into a synth. For unknown reasons it was cut and it's currently unknown how complete the quest was.


Future DLC, of course. lol, I would be so amazed if that turns out to be the truth.

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Even more depressing if only the couple benefits at everyone else's expense. But desperation makes a good love story.


This quest is borderline urban legend on Google. All based on a few crumbs in the image files. Nothing found in the dialogue dumps and decompiled scripts. My FO4Edit search is ineffective* without a good formID to latch onto and Build Reference Info from.


There is one note-worthy line in the dialogue that this project can build from:


"Oh, god. [Nate/Nora]... I can't watch this again..."




Fallout4.esm FFGoodneighbor01MemorySequence [QUST:00065E67] [DIAL:00065EDD] SCEN [iNFO:00108A2B] Player [NPC_:00000007] playervoicefemale01 1 Oh, god. Nate... I can't watch this again... sound\voice\fallout4.esm\playervoicefemale01\00108a2b_1.fuz
Fallout4.esm FFGoodneighbor01MemorySequence [QUST:00065E67] [DIAL:00065EDD] SCEN [iNFO:00108A2A] Player [NPC_:00000007] playervoicemale01 1 Oh my god. Nora... I can't watch this again... sound\voice\fallout4.esm\playervoicemale01\00108a2a_1.fuz

Uttered during the Memory Den sequence, and likely to be the point when the player thinks "I can save my frozen spouse". And when the player involves Dr Amari in a second quest and confirms what technology can accomplish, the player would be even more driven by that obsession.
I have zero desire to finish the main questline, but I'd be all over this. And watch the movie. Count me in if you need help here and there.
*Edit: Some people are using Pascal to find more in FO4Edit, but that's beyond what I can do atm.
Edit 2: In true Nine Inch Nails fashion, the player sees the dream sequence every time they sleep, right from the beginning of the game. Brings new urgency to "I can't watch this again." Player is haunted by nightmares and failure.
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To an earlier point, Broken Steel in Fallout 3 acted as continuation of the main quest and was, in my opinion, probably the best DLC Bethesda made for that game. So there is precedent for them to continue the main quest with DLC in fallout games.


Although I think the specific line of dialogue mentioned above is almost certainly from the memory den/Kellog sequence, not anything about reviving your spouse. So there hasn't been any evidence of this revival plotline found so far, but it would be interesting.

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Right. It's more of a proof-of-concept / motivation for the project. A "Haunted by Spouse" mod script would look like this in pseudocode:


whenever player sleeps

call a custom HauntMe function

if female, play "Oh God, Nate... I can't watch this again" sound

else play "Oh my God, Nora... I can't watch this again" sound

call the rest of the vanilla sleep function so player heals and wakes up


It would be easiest to play the existing sound file. Harder to alter the sound file to include reverb / echo / haunting effect. Hardest to alter the animation so only the gunshot part of the animation is shown during sleep, maybe with visual and sound distortion to emphasize the nightmare.


The first part could be done now. I find that I can do things with script, but it takes a day or two to stumble over the syntax and get it right. And it would be kind of pointless to do it without a project in motion. But it is possible.

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