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I have some mod ideas, and would like some help


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hello there, i am new to tesnexus, and was wondering if someone here could help me bring some of my mod ideas to life. i will only put down one at a time, as it would take some time otherwise. i am also open to criticism and add-ons as well.

P.S. if you know of any mods that already have the idea(s) i am posting here, please tell me so i can download them instead, to make things easier.

my first idea is as follows:

-i would like to create a more advanced alchemy mod, where you actually have to go through the process of creating a potion (e.g. use a mortar & pestle to grind ginger root. use a calcinator to turn it into ash, and use an alembic to extract it's essence, etc.) as well as more scripted ingredients, preferably on already made ingredients.

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I like the way you think! It always seemed odd to me that you had these bits of gear, but no idea what they were doing other than "making your potions better".


You might want to (optionally) make it a "recipe development" mod for alchemy, as once you've created the recipe, you could spend an AWFUL lot of screen time having to do every stage of a multi-stage brew, which makes no sense at the accelerated timescale of the game. Instead, you should be able to repeat the same recipe, but have time auto-advance as if you had spent all the time preparing everything (like it does when resting). Of course, if you want to spend the time doing the whole thing, it should be possible to disable the "use a previous recipe" bit.


What effect would you expect better grade equipment to have on the potions? Finer grind with a Master-level Mortar and Pestle? Less unprocessed impurities in the ash because it burns better in a Master-level calcinator?


Sadly, I'm not a modder, but I really like things which add to the realism, and this looks like it should :)

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Like MarkInMKUK I like where your idea is headed. I'd like to see the possibility of choosing which of your equipment is used for making a potion, without the need to drop it from your inventory to get rid of that piece's effect on the resulting potion (e.g. dropping your alembic so that it doesn't reduce the magnitude of the negative effect on potions).


Here's a few UESP Wiki links I find useful: Alchemy Calculator, Useful Potions & Alchemy Effects.


I've never checked out the Direnni's Advanced Alchemy Apparatus Mod that is mentioned on the Alchemy Calculator page ... might be useful.

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One side effect you may not have considered - you may need to have multiple forms for each ingredient, depending on which process(es) it has been through. For example, take Ginger:-

It could end up as : Puréed, dried, ground, distilled, burned, concentrated, and probably several other variants I've not yet thought of, depending which items you use and in which order.


Various forms could be useful, others might enhance the wrong effects from the ingredient, so some careful thought might be needed to decide how best to use/combine/modify each ingredient - with the possibility of vastly enhanced potions OR fatal ones, if you get something wrong.

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i actually did think of that, but due to the fact that it would probably take about as long as it took create tes:2, i came up with an alternative solution: each state has about 10-15 generic types, e.g. ten poultices, each with different stats. and i was also thinking that each apperatus should do something different.

here are the ideas i have so far:

mortar & pestles make poultices

calcinaters turn poultices into powders, creature parts into ash, and certain minerals such as gold and sulpher, into liquids

retorts purify, concentrate, and dilute liquids, and

alembics combine liquids and solids (mainly powders)

there are also a couple of other related ideas that i have, but i would like feedback first.

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Behold, the true nature of oblivions alchemy;




Seeing as this is what we really do (or did in the past atleast) and it seems that oblivion's "alchemy" is based on this, I suggest you take that as a start. It would also simplify several things, as the theory behind spagyrics is that everything is based on three elements. Would cut down on your workload :ninja:

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