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build me a PC

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just wanna see how cheap i can get a PC that can still handle the games i play. here is a list of games i play. the PC you guys build for me needs to be as cheap as possible but still handle these games easily. not talking max settings, but at least normal settings no prob maybe a setting higher or something.


StarCraft 2

Fallout NV

Dragon Age (both)




(other) RPGs

(other) RTSs

(other) MMOs

BFBC2 (dont play it currently on PC but might in the future)


these are the games i play on PC or plan on playing on PC. if you guys can recommend a build that can handle these games easily, and cheap, then thatd b great. as i said, im just curious as to how cheap i can go and still get a computer to fit my games. of course if possible id like to do the original build you guys helped me with as that build will be able to play games on higher settings and games in the future no problem but ya i might have to settle for less if i rly wanna build it this summer.


thanks again. sorry to keep bothering you with build questions and stuff. just so bummed i cant build the other one im trying to find a way to build something!!! lol



i should also mention i already have RAM, so no need to include that, but just so you know what i have and that the motherboard and whatnot will work with it, here it is:



Edited by hoofhearted4
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i dont how "cheap" cheap is but seeing as you already have ram, i made a list of a pretty killer PC that will play those game at high or highest at 50-60 fps or better for under 700


CD/DVD http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827135204


CASE http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119227


HDD http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136073


graphics card http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127578


PSU http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139005


CPU and MB http://www.newegg.com/Product/ComboDealDetails.aspx?ItemList=Combo.661560


for $668.93


dont think i missed anything. if want cheaper get a different graphics card.


550 ti for $110 less http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127573




a 460 for $85 less http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127534


EDIT: a 6850 would be a better second chose then the others for 100 less then the 560 ti. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127576

plus the ATi would match for the AMD CPU


i like making thing match thus the msi MB and GPUs

Edited by hector530
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lol thats very similar to my first build (look up final build in this section...hell youve prolly posted in it). its amazing how much you can save when you buy a cheaper tower lol


and going with that list, plus a monitor, keyboard, pci adapter, S&H and warranties, the price comes up to $1087.40 but with $70 in rebate. which beats out my other list which came up to $1295.31 with $60 in rebate. so thats still a good chunk saved. thank you very much :)


and the second best GPU i can get would be that 6850?


also one more question. is the processor really all that important for games like would i even notice the different between that processor and the AMD phenom II x6 1100t? (which is AMDs best processor right now) just wondering :)


as of right now i think this will be my build. it all depends on how much i can get a car for. but ya:


























this list comes up to $1039.98 still with $70 in rebates as well as a couple of free games. also a $15 newegg gift card, but that deal runs out shortly.


the combos really save me a lot. and like i said, depending on how much i get a car for will change what i can and cant get, but i think even if my car is like $1200 or so, i should still be able to afford this build here, but im aiming for a $800 car!


but ya if i can cut anything anywhere lmk (as you might have noticed i like my case lol, ill save the $50 if i need to, but i figure in the end, if i NEED to save $50 then im prolly cutting it too close anyways. saving a couple hundred dollars is nice though) but maybe if i can save like $50on a monitor, then i might consider saving the $50 on the case, or something. i tried looking for another backlit keyboard, but they were all basically the same price give or take $10.


and in case i didnt say this already, thanks. i really appreciate yours and everyone elses help on this and any other thread i made!

Edited by hoofhearted4
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yea thats what i was saying. is it worth getting the mobo and the cpu seperately if i wanna get the 1100t? will i notice the difference?
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saved a chunk of money by getting a diff monitor. i realized i didnt need a 24" monitor. lol thats quite big. so i got the smallest HDMI monitor, a 21.5 inch. still plenty big, and has HDMI:




thinking about getting this with the saved money:



but thats whether or not you guys think the extra boost in processing power is really worth it, if not then i will go with the cheaper one presented to me by hector. i could even go in between his 955 and my 970 and get the deal with the 965 which is $15 cheaper then mine ($20 more then his) just another option.


so changing out the monitor and adding in the better AMD, the price is still only $1023.98 with $80 in rebates. if i go with the cheaper CPU and case price goes down around $100 so thats a nice option as well.



changed my HDD combo deal. it was a good chunk cheaper to get the 1tb seagate 7200rpm with PSU. a 2tb woulda been cool, but ill never even use 1tb lol. so this is the new HDD/PSU combo deal:




now at $998.98 with $70 in rebates. could still save like one hundred with the cheaper CPU combo and the cheaper case. we will see. im quite happy with this cheap list right now. ive saved like $300+ so far.


any more ideas?

Edited by hoofhearted4
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just thought of another possible way to knock of like $20 or so. how much W does by PSU need to provide? how do i know how much i need? the one i have is 650W. if i only need 600W or something, i could save a little more money.


but ya how do i know what i should use, or how much i need. whats the average?


thinking about going with this Case/PSU combo over the HDD/PSU combo. save like $20. keep in under $1000. ($988)




what do u guys think?

Edited by hoofhearted4
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