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Questions about survival...


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Okay, so I just went into the survival beta pretty much blind, no idea what any of the features are really except you have to eat/sleep/drink whatever. Anyway I played for about 45 minutes and I am running to drumlin diner and all of a sudden my character just dies... What the hell... I was trying to build up my adrenaline, had it up to level 7 already. I hadn't eaten or drank anything, nor did I sleep to save at all. I did have the icons on the bottom of my screen though, was just going to let them go for a while until after I fought the Deathclaw in Concord. There was also a pill icon??? Could this be why I just died out of nowhere? I am sure that we should be able to survive more than half a day without food water and sleep... right?

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You sure you didn't touch a car on the road. There is a bug where you die instantly if you bump into a car.


I have had this happen and can confirm 100%. Somehow cars can slightly shift and the game thinks the physics of the car crushed you or something.


Last time it happened I was squeezing between a wall and a car then dropped dead from nowhere. Reloaded and spent 10 minutes searching for the sniper that must have killed me but no, it was a gaddam car.

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