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A Tannery in Skyrim


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This is not really a request, but more an idea. I know just about every place has a tanning rack, but...it may make a nice mod if one wanted to make a "Tannery" . Some place one could go with all there leftover hides and sell them. Some place that would sell all types of leather goods. Like the Mead hall in White run (instead of making Mead, make leather goods).... A large building with vats to tan hides, people working there, a show room up front to display goods, Lets face it, nearly everyone in Skyrim wares leather goods of some sort! From belts to complete outfits, bed rolls, tents, knapsacks, you name it! Just a thought to give creative mines a project. Skyrim is kind of vast so one might want to consider having 4 Tannery's around, one in each corner of Skyrim Like around Markhearth, Windhelm, Dawnstar, and Falkenwrith Anyway its just an Idea.

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